90 Miles From Tyranny : 10 photos of President Trump with the troops show why he’s beloved in the military

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

10 photos of President Trump with the troops show why he’s beloved in the military

U.S. veterans helped Trump win the presidency, and they don’t seem to have any regrets. A whopping 98 percent of veterans who say they are Republican approve of the job he’s doing. Only 10 percent of vets who say they are Democrats agree that he’s doing a good job.

Another poll conducted by the Military Times in September revealed that support for the president among active duty troops is also higher than it is from civilians.

Forty-four percent of enlisted troops gave Trump a favorable rating, while only 40 percent of approval numbers came from the general public.

But even those numbers seem low when you see the treatment President Trump gets when he’s on the ground meeting America’s finest.
Wherever President Trump goes, he seems to make time to visit the troops, and they can’t seem to get enough:Read More HERE

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