90 Miles From Tyranny : New York Times Reduces Ocasio-Cortez To A Sex Object And It Is Hilarious

Monday, April 29, 2019

New York Times Reduces Ocasio-Cortez To A Sex Object And It Is Hilarious

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was just treated like nothing more than a sex object by the most unlikely of sources.

The New York Times published an op ed on Sunday that reduced all of the 29-year-old’s, admittedly bonehead ideas, to her looks.

“The men at Fox News have a sickly obsession with AOC, partly because they resent her cleverness, charisma and moral vitality, but mostly because they suspect that in high school she was one of those girls they had no hope of getting a date with,” The Times wrote in a tweet.

“I realize that this has become axiomatic on America’s excitable right. I know also that in this country we employ terms like ‘socialism’ with wanton indifference to historical details and conceptual distinctions.

“I grasp too that many among us truly believe that, say, a higher marginal tax rate or a public subsidy for poor children’s dentistry is only a step away from the gulags.

“And I am painfully aware that the male Fox commentariat nurtures its sickly obsession with Ms. Ocasio-Cortez partly because they resent her cleverness, charisma and moral vitality, but mostly because they suspect that in high school she was one of those girls they had no hope of getting a date with (though, really, she comes across as someone who could look past a face of even the purest suet if she thought she glimpsed a healthy soul behind it),” the author wrote.

The worst part about it was that the op ed itself managed to somehow be worse than the tweet which got destroyed.

Read More HERE

1 comment:

  1. People who find that Carmen Miranda Impersonator RIP OFF Skank attractive needs to get their head examined. UGLY you can bring a paper BAG BUT STUPID IS IRREPARABLE


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