90 Miles From Tyranny : Please Get Better Rush, We Need You...

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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Please Get Better Rush, We Need You...

I Freaking Love Rush Limbaugh.

More Rush:
Rush Limbaugh On The Dual Justice System...
The Mueller Report Should Read, "Trump Attempted To Obstruct Our Coup."
Rush On The Secret COUP Treason...
Limbaugh: NRO Pushed Covington Hoax to Win ‘Approval of the Mainstream Media’
Rush Limbaugh Celebrates 30 Years of Syndication
Rush: Hillary Just Admitted I’ve Been Right All Along
Rush Limbaugh: Capture of Benghazi Plotter Destroys Obama, Clinton Narrative
Crooked Hillary's Whitewater Scandal For Dummies (Rush Limbaugh)
Rush Limbaugh Lampoons Hillary's Bathroom Server..
Rush Limbaugh Is Right Again...
Former Intelligence Analyst: Political Correctness Is A Manipulative Tool For Centralizing Power
LIMBAUGH: 'Net neutrality as honest a name as Affordable Care Act'...
Remember When Government Misdoings Was Taken Seriously By The Press?
Rush On Defunding Obamacare..
Rush Exposing The Democrat Party For What They Are...
Rush Limbaugh Celebrates 30 Years of Syndication

1 comment:

Peteforester said...

I saw him on the SOTU last night. He was so gaunt; I didn't even recognize him! 'Looks like he waited a little too long to visit the doc...

In my younger days, I thought Rush Limbaugh was a bombastic asshole. And this is coming from a native New Yorker! When Obama got his hooks into America though, I caught a piece of one of Rush's shows. It rang true. In the years since, I've come to realize that Rush IS a bombastic asshole, but is also right WAY more than he's wrong. I can deal with the bombastic asshole part. After all, most New Yorkers have a crust of barnacles. As long as Rush gives us the TRUTH, I'll keep listening. Godspeed, Rush!