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Sunday, December 8, 2013

House Republicans Giving Away Our Second Amendment Right To Democrats

Great mountains fall from constant erosion.  The Second Amendment will not be taken from us all at once, it will slowly erode away.  This is why ANY infringement must be fought against with maximum effort.  I do not believe that we can count on establishment Republicans to always be on our side. And HERE is the reason why.

Benjamin Netanyahu Exposes The Truth About The Middle East...

Kindle - to set fire to or ignite

The Knockout Game...

Murderer Of Lady Liberty Identified By Toe Tag.....

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Midnight Movies - We Hunt

This short about hunting in Holland really captures the atmosphere, drama and emotion involved in hunting.  The social aspect and camaraderie in group hunting is also beautifully captured... 

Wij Jagen / We Hunt from Wij Jagen on Vimeo.