90 Miles From Tyranny : 2012-09-16

AARP throws senior citizens to the wolves in the name of profits.

AARP makes only about 20% of its revenue from membership dues, while it makes 34% of its profits from its healthcare insurance business. AARP's percentage of healthcare insurance profits is about to increase dramatically under Obamacare due to it's lobbying against its own memberships interests.

The AARP has carved out some nice loopholes for itself in order to increase profits from seniors. By suppressing reforms that would have lowered seniors premiums by $415.00 per year, AARP gets to increase its profits. AARP also lobbied to keep its own administrative costs exempt from new rules to lower them. This increases profits to AARP and increases costs to seniors.

Because the majority of AARP's revenue depends on insurance profits from senior citizens, it cannot function as an advocacy group for senior citizens. This conflict of interest does not serve senior citizens, AARP lobbies in the name of senior citizens against the interests of senior citizens. AARP stands to make billions of dollars in profits on the backs of senior citizens.

What Can You Do?
Switch any insurance you may have away from AARP. Do not renew your membership with AARP. There are many other senior advocacy groups that are actual advocates for seniors, find one that suits your needs. The fastest growing senior advocacy group is American Seniors Association at: http://www.americanseniors.org/ .

A Sinister Pact

In mid December 2011 while Americans were innocently shopping for Christmas presents, the Obama Administration was signing a sinister pact. This pact will eventually lead to the criminalization of any criticism of Islam. The sinister pact that the Obama administration signed is called UN Resolution 16/18. The evil document is archived here: http://www.article19.org/data/files/medialibrary/2845/11-11-14-un---att1.pdf

The Evil pact has been pushed by the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation). One of the key provisions is: the criminalization of religious incitement to imminent violence. So essentially if you, an American says something and Muslims decide to get violent over it, you are now a criminal and should be prosecuted. So hypothetically, if I produced a film and stated that I thought it was wrong for Mohammed to marry a 5 year old girl, and this incited Muslims to violence, the feds could come to my house and perp walk me into an interrogation room? This is completely implausible. (tongue in cheek).

The Egyptian Prime Minister has already called for the arrest of the Filmmaker of "Innocence of Muslims" based on "International Charters" which clearly refers to the sinister pact UN Resolution 16/18. The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu called the film "a deplorable act of incitement" clearly referring the UN Resolution section (f) "Adopting measures to criminalize incitement to imminent violence based on religion or belief".

The UN Resolution 16/18 is in direct conflict with the US Constitution Bill of Rights, 1st Amendment which prohibits abridging the freedom of speech.
We need to repeal this sinister pact. Don't allow it to go unnoticed, spread the word!
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