90 Miles From Tyranny : Roger Stone: More 'vile' Clinton info coming

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Roger Stone: More 'vile' Clinton info coming

Roger Stone, a longtime confidant of Donald Trump, predicted Saturday that there would be "more vile shit" revealed about the Clintons ahead of Election Day than emerges about the Republican nominee.

"Here is my prediction: More vile shit about the criminal Clintons will be learned before the elections than will be learned about Trump," he said in an email to POLITICO. "And none of it will come from Trump's campaign."

Stone has previously indicated that he's been in communication with WikiLeaks head Julian Assange, who on Friday posted thousands of alleged emails from the personal account of top Clinton aide John Podesta. Those emails posted minutes after news began to break about the leaked tape of Trump's lewd comments on women.

Stone had tweeted last Sunday, as The New York Times was reporting on a leak of Trump's 1995 tax information, that Hillary Clinton would be "done" by Wednesday. He added the hashtag #Wikileaks. But nothing materialized on Wednesday, when Assange held a press conference that was largely to celebrate his organization's anniversary.

The Podesta emails included excerpts from Hillary Clinton's paid private speeches that aides had flagged as potentialy troublesome, speeches she'd refused to release throughout the campaign despite demands from rival Bernie Sanders during the primary. Those speeches revealed she described herself as "far removed" from the challenges of the middle class and welcomed "open borders" trade with other countries in the Western emisphere.

But none, so far, seemed to have anywhere near the same potential to upend the race as Trump's newly released comments.Source: Politico


  1. Trump is the only Presidential nominee in this election who hasn't killed someone.

  2. That's Politico's opinion and we all know whose side they're on.

    The Podesta emails reveal the Beast believes in having at least 2 positions on every issue (3 if her back is bothering her (I'm here all week)). They also tell us she calls Bernies and Millennials a bucket of losers and she thinks blacks are professional ne'er-do-wells.

    Oh, yeah, there's plenty of damage there.


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