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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Girls With Guns

Hey There Little Fella!

More First "Lady" Facts:

Michelle Obama's Disgusting Father's Day rant insulted great dads -- including her own

Michelle Obama, What Have You Done?!!

The Shame Of Michelle Obama...

Michelle Obama Visits Two Injured Saudis In Hospital, Does Not Visit Any Americans

Whore Boor, Not Poor Al Gore...

More Gore:

LA County Considers $1 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Help Illegals Fight Deportation

Los Angeles County supervisors Janice Hahn and Hilda Solis are asking their colleagues to join them in setting aside $1 million in county funds that can be used to help illegal immigrants fight deportation.

It is estimated that LA County’s illegal immigrant population is over 800,000, and the $1 million in funding would come from taxpayers’ pockets.

According to KPCC, supervisor Hahn’s spokeswoman Liz Odendahl explained that “The idea is to set up the legal fund with $1 million in the first year, then obtain matching funds from public or private donors.” The move is a preemptive one, aimed at short-circuiting President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge “to deport millions of immigrants living in the country illegally.”

Hahn said, “Many immigrants who are facing deportation have a legal avenue to stay in this country, but they are not aware of it because they don’t have legal representation.”

The push to use taxpayer funds to benefit illegal immigrants is not new to California. In 2014 Governor Jerry Brown (D) “authorized about $3 million annually for...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, December 16, 2016

Girls With Guns

If Obama Had A Son...

The Grand Faker...

There's No "H" In Winning...

Russia Or Mexico?

Retardo Dog Believes Russian Conspiracy Theories...

He is really just a totalitarian leftist trying to subvert the republic with false propaganda.

Assange: WikiLeaks Did Not Receive Documents From Russian Government

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Thursday denied that emails WikiLeaks released from the email account of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta or from the Democratic National Committee came from the Russian government.

Assange appeared on Sean Hannity’s radio show.

His statement runs counter to a reported assessment from the CIA that the Russian government hacked the DNC and Podesta with the goal of supporting Donald Trump’s campaign.

“Our source is not the Russian government,” said Assange.

Hannity wanted the point clarified.

“In other words, let me be clear, Russia did not give you the Podesta documents or...

Muslim Teen Rapes And Then Tries To Murder Greek Girl, He Is Arrested And Released, Goes To Germany And He Rapes And Murders ANOTHER Woman There

In a horrible story coming out of Germany, a Muslim teen raped and murdered a German girl. If that was not bad enough, he had raped and attempted to murder a girl in Greece three years earlier. The Greek police not only knew about the entire story and the person who did it, but still allowed him to go to Germany in spite of his horrible crimes:

The suspect of Freiburg had already been sentenced to ten years of imprisonment and served jail time in Greece
But still, he was released as part of an amnesty, allegedly because of over crowded prisons.
An expert supposes that in fact it was about party-politics for the Syriza government.
Much has been said and written on the case of the alleged woman killer of Freiburg, an Afghan refugee who was already in prison for a similar crime in Greece. Ten years’ imprisonment was the verdict after he had thrown a young woman off a cliff.
However, after only one and a half years, he was released in October 2015 as part of an amnesty, with the requirement to...

Mexican immigrant married American woman so he could get a Green Card then 'murdered her with the help of his real wife'

  • Francisco Valdivia and Rosalina Lopez are accused of murdering Cecelia Bravo
  • Bravo has been missing since June, but her body has not been found
  • Authorities claim Valdivia married Bravo so he could get legal permission to stay in the US
  • The motive is believed to be connected to the relationship between the three 
A bigamist accused of killing his second wife with the help of his first has been charged with murder months after the victim disappeared.

The body of Cecelia Bravo Cabrera has yet to be found, but investigators say they have evidence implicating Mexican couple Francisco Valdivia, 37, and Rosalina Lopez, 39.

Authorities claim Valdivia, of Visalia in central California, married Cabrera so he could get legal permission to remain in the US.

Valdivia and Lopez, who married in Mexico in 2007, were arrested on Tuesday. Cabrera has been missing since June 9, when she was seen leaving a casino with Valdivia. He had just finished a 90-day sentence for cultivating marijuana when he was arrested.

Police discovered a number of sites where Valdivia was growing marijuana while investigating his wife's disappearance.

The motive is unclear, but is said to be connected to the relationship between the two suspects, who arrived in the US illegally, and their victim.

Mother-of-four Cabrera, who was very active on social media until her disappearance, knew her marriage to Valdivia was a sham, but investigators believe he and Lopez threatened her if she ended the...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Former Used, Abused And Discarded Disney IT Workers Claim Discrimination In Lawsuit

ORLANDO (CBSMiami/AP) — A group of information technology workers laid off by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts claims they were victims of discrimination.

The say they were forced to train their replacements from India before they were fired.

On Monday, the 30 former IT workers filed a suit against the companyin an Orlando federal court. They’re seeking punitive damages.

The lawsuit contends that 250 IT workers in Florida were told they would need to train their replacements before they were fired at the end of 2014. Each replacement worker was of Indian origin, and was either brought from overseas or working outside the United States, according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit also alleges violations of the Older Worker Benefit Protection Act, which protects workers from age discrimination.

Disney managers were “being curt and unprofessional toward plaintiffs but treating the foreign replacements with special treatment,” the lawsuit said. “Plaintiffs were subjected to disparate treatment by defendant solely based on...

Girls With Guns

VIDEO 1000 Muslims block London streets chanting Allahu Akbar to demand Islamic caliphate

The street outside the empty embassy in Belgrave Square, London, was closed off as it filled with protestors and Islamic leaders chanting loudly and calling for America to be punished over Aleppo.

The demonstration became an alternative to an official rally calling for an end to the bloodshed in Syria outside Downing Street.

During the speeches which lasted almost an hour the crowd chanted Allahu Akbar 'God is the greatest' and cheered for those calling for a global caliphate.

A poet invited to talk shouted: "We need a Caliph who will clean up these streets. Who will smack up armies and who will back beef [fighting].

"Backhand your missiles back to your land, that’s the plan.

"World domination at hand. We can expand and take out these fools."

The crowd largely segregated into men and women with many of the women wearing Islamic clothing. According to website Breitbart one protester appeared to be waving a Taliban flag, while others were handed placards made by Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, which calls for the reestablishment of a caliphate.

It is unclear who...

Father of Slain Dallas Police Officer Sues Black Lives Matter For Inciting Violence

Enrique Zamarripa, the grieving father of Dallas police Officer Patrick Zamarripa who was killed in the attack on Dallas police this past summer, has filed a 43-page lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Texas.

Zamarripa blames Black Lives Matter for the deadly ambush on his son, and is suing to prove his case. In addition to the now notorious protest group, Zamarripa has named several other individuals and organizations.

[Scroll Down for Video]

The case is going to be easy. While Black Limes Matter may be a relatively young organization, the Nation of Islam, Reverend Al Sharpton, the New Black Panthers Party and activist DeRay McKesson all have experience with litigation.

Zamarripa is undeterred. He’s seeking $550 million in damages.

More MSM Fake News...

CIA refuses to hand over so-called proof of Russian hacking to help Trump

The absolutely incredible claim from the Central Intelligence Agency that Russian hackers somehow put Donald Trump over the top in the election is falling apart.

Both the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all the U.S. intelligence agencies, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reject the CIA’s analysis.

And now Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) just said on Fox News Channel a few minutes ago that the Central Intelligence Agency is refusing to hand over whatever evidence it may have about Russian wrongdoing.

“It’s almost as if people in the intelligence community are carrying out a disinformation campaign against the president-elect of the United States. It’s absolutely disgraceful.”

King, by the way, is a member of the Homeland Security Committee and chairman of the Sub-Committee on (Counterterrorism and Intelligence). He also serves on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Could it be the CIA — which employs more than a few Trump haters — doesn’t actually have any evidence? If they have proof they should...

Fake News?

Somali Refugees in the U.S. - Terrorists have families too.

A lot has been said about the terrorist attack perpetrated by a Somali refugee in Ohio last Month. President-elect Trump visited Ohio State University last week, telling crowds afterwards at a rally in Des Moines that the attack was "a tragic reminder" of the need to take a hard line on immigration. I have a couple of things to add on the subject (including an overview of the Somali refugee community in the U.S at the end of this blog post). But first, a brief recount of what we know.

On November 28, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an 20-year-old (or maybe 18; it's unclear) Somali national, drove his car into a group of students at Ohio State University then started stabbing people before he was shot by a police officer.

Artan was born in Somalia, he moved to Islamabad, Pakistan, with his family in 2007. In 2014, he, his mother and six siblings were admitted to the United States as refugees. In 2015, he became a permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder). Some say his father works and lives in Dubai, others claim he never left Somalia. What is certain is that his father did not come to the United States.

Abdul Razak Ali Artan was enrolled at Columbus State Community for two years then started at Ohio State University in August 2016. In an interview for an Ohio State campus publication, he complained about American misconceptions about Islam and explained how his biggest struggle on his first day on campus was finding a place to pray. He missed Columbus State, where prayer rooms were available, adding: "we Muslims have to pray five times a day". He also spoke about how much he enjoyed life in Pakistan, and denounced Western misconceptions about this country.

First, and as my colleague Dan Cadman asked, why did we accept the Somali refugee and his family "rather than leaving them in Pakistan"?

By United Nations standards, resettlement to a third country is to be considered only "in situations where it is impossible for a person to go back home or remain in the host country." (Emphasis added.) Moreover, refugees in need of resettlement are the ones who are the most vulnerable, such as victims of torture or...

Democrats Have Not Been This Pissed Since...

Priebus: Trump Will Change Many White House Press Traditions

Wednesday on the “Hugh Hewitt Show,” incoming White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said many White House press traditions will change under President Donald Trump.

Partial transcript as follows:

HEWITT: Last two questions have to do with the media. First of all, instead of that boring Saturday morning radio address, I think the President should do a Friday morning drive time nationally syndicated show each week, you know, in the morning when you can shape news. Don’t you agree?
PRIEBUS: Well, you know, what? Look, I think that many things have to change, and I think that it’s important that we look at all of those traditions that are great, but quite frankly, as you know, don’t really make news…
PRIEBUS: And they’re just sort of…

HEWITT: It’s horrible.
PRIEBUS: …mundane, boring episodes. And you know, even looking at things like the daily White House briefing from the press secretary, I mean, there’s a lot of different ways that things can be done, and I can assure you we’re looking at that.
HEWITT: And that brings me, Glenn Thrush on Wednesday said there is worry in the White House Press Corps that they’re going to do away with the traditional bullpen, the upstairs, the downstairs. Now I do want the front row given over to Salem Media, but what do you, what are the plans for the press corps and that traditional approach?
PRIEBUS: We’re, and I hate blowing things off, because I’m not doing it on purpose, it just so happens that we’re actually talking about those things right now. And what the new tradition, I guess you could say, should be in the Trump White House. You know, this was the first front row assigned seat issue, as I understand it, started in the Obama administration. In the Bush administration, you just took a seat, and I guess there were a couple of people that have had reserved spots. But for the most part, the more formalized reserved seating piece came in over the last eight years. That issue is being talked about. The point of all of this conversation is that the traditions, while some of them are great, I think it’s time to revisit a lot of these things that have been...



FAKE HATE: Muslim College Student Arrested After Lying About Subway Attack by Trump Supporters

Muslim college student Yasmin Seweid was arrested today after lying about being attacked by racist Trump supporters.

It never happened.
She lying through her teeth.

Of course, the story made headlines across the country.
The left ALWAYS believes this fake crap.

Heat Street reported:

New York City college student Yasmin Seweid who claimed to be the victim of a hate crime by Trump supporters is under arrest and charged with filing a false report, a police source told The New York Daily News.

The 18-year-old Seweid caused quite the media stir with her sensationalized account of Trump supporters attacking her on...

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-British ambassador who is now a WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails - they were handed over to him at a D.C. park by an intermediary for 'disgusted' Democratic whistleblowers

  • Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and associate of Julian Assange, told the Dailymail.com he flew to Washington, D.C. for emails
  • He claims he had a clandestine hand-off in a wooded area near American University with one of the email sources 
  • The leakers' motivation was 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the 'tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders'
  • Murray says: 'The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks'
  • 'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that,' Murray insists
  • Murray is a controversial figure who was relieved of his post as British ambassador amid allegations of misconduct but is close to Wikileaks

A Wikileaks envoy today claims he personally received Clinton campaign emails in Washington D.C. after they were leaked by 'disgusted' whisteblowers - and not hacked by Russia.

Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, told Dailymail.com that he flew to Washington, D.C. for a clandestine hand-off with one of the email sources in September.

'Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,' said Murray in an interview with Dailymail.com on Tuesday. 'The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.'

His account contradicts directly the version of how thousands of Democratic emails were published before the election being advanced by...


The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) obtained government ICE records that show that the agency has spent over $100 million in the last few years in transporting illegal alien children who have crossed the border since the 2014 border surge began. According to the IRLI’s calculations ICE spent on average $665 per minor in 2014, mostly on transportation costs to fly the children between government agencies, to relatives in the U.S. or back to their home countries if deported.

In October alone 6,754 unaccompanied children and 13,123 parents with children were apprehended at the border, one of the worst months on record. Transportation for these children will cost taxpayers around $4.5 million.

Children who are in ICE’s custody are housed in hotels versus detention centers, which accounts for more than 25% of the agency’s cost. Another 58% is spent on airplane transportation.

After being processed children are transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which then sends the children to relatives or sponsors in the U.S, all paid for by the American taxpayers.

According to a recent Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) report HHS currently has 11,200 children in their direct care as of Nov. 27. The agency is paying the most it has ever paid for shelters since it’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) was started.

In order to pay for the increase of care for illegal alien children HHS had to cut $167 million from other programs including HIV/AIDS and...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Girls With Guns

Remember When Obama Tried To Rig An Election?

Will Trump Be A Pansy Ass Like Obama Was?

Doubt It.

Those Crafty Russians...

It Was Me....

And this is how I feel:

And This:

Fake News? We Just Did 8 Years Of It...

8 Years of Leftist Propaganda?
At least since the 60's...

Did Donald Trump Promise This To Putin?

No, Obama Did. 
Press Yawned.

The treachery of MoveOn

The left-wingers at MoveOn are plotting a coup against the people of the United States.

The George Soros-funded group is polling members to ask if MoveOn should “call on the Electoral College to reject Donald Trump as president of the United States?”

The poll is contained within the group’s latest lie-filled mass email to members:

This would be a big step for us, but the CIA’s reported conclusion that the Russian government actively interfered with the U.S. presidential election—with the goal of helping Trump win—is a big deal.

There were many arguments for the Electoral College to reject Trump, even before the CIA’s revelations.

Ethics experts—Republican and Democrat—say that Trump’s business entanglements with foreign governments will put him in violation of the U.S. Constitution the minute he’s sworn in.

He has now delayed giving any answers on how he will (or won’t) resolve these conflicts until after the Electoral College votes.

This is all part of the Left’s effort to delegitimize Donald Trump’s approaching presidency

For all those reasons and more, one Republican elector from a state Trump won has already said that he will not cast his vote for Trump—and ...

IBM announces it will hire another 25,000 workers in the US ahead of Trump meeting with tech bosses

"The Times They Are A Changin'"
Virginia 'Ginni' Rometty, chief executive officer of IBM

-Bob Dylan

IBM used to have a large programming shop in Boca Raton Florida, they closed that shop down and moved it to Brazil.

  • About 6,000 of the new appointments are due to be made in 2017
  • IBM will invest $1 billion on employee training and development in four years
  • IBM chief Ginni Rometty is a member of Trump's Strategic and Policy Forum 
US technology giant IBM has said it will hire 25,000 people in the United States over the next four years, ahead of a meeting between President-elect Donald Trump and tech industry leaders.

About 6,000 of those appointments will be made in 2017, IBM chief executive Ginni Rometty wrote in opinion article published in USA Today.

IBM, which has undertaken in recent years a restructuring of its activities, will invest $1 billion on employee training and development in the next four years, said the IBM president, chairman and CEO.

'We are hiring because the nature of work is evolving -- and that is also why so many of these jobs remain hard to fill,' Rometty said, noting that many industries were being reshaped by data science and cloud computing.

'Jobs are being created that demand new skills -- which in turn requires new approaches to education, training and...

Rating the Top Retailers and How They Market to Christmas Shoppers

Morning Mistress

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Morning Mistress