90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, July 2, 2018

Belgium detains Muslim couple for plotting terrorist act in Paris, seize 500g of ‘Mother of Satan’ explosives

Two people were arrested in Belgium for plotting a bomb attack at a conference in Paris, prosecutors announced. The couple allegedly carried 500 grams of explosives reportedly similar to the type used in other major attacks.

The suspects, who have Belgian citizenship and are of Iranian origin, were identified as Amir S., born 1980, and his wife Nasimeh N., born 1984. They were snatched by police in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre municipality in Brussels suburbs on Saturday.

During searches police say they found some 500 grams of TATP (Triacetone Triperoxide) explosives and a detonation device in their car. The notoriously-unstable TATP, sometimes known as the ‘Mother of Satan’, has been used in a number of terrorist attacks, including the November 2015 Paris attacks, the March 2016 Brussels bombings and the May 2017 Manchester Arena bombing.

The couple, who are residents of the town of Wilrijk - 356 km from the Belgian capital, has already been charged with “attempted terrorist attack and preparation of a terrorist act,” the prosecutor added. The alleged target was a meeting of an Iranian opposition group scheduled in...

Fun Fact: Democrats ARe Sinking Faster Than Ted Kennedy's Oldsmobile...

REAL NEWS: Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In The 1984 Elections

The Zombie Media

Isn't it amazing that the left-wing media continue to compare Donald Trump to Hitler, fling accusations of racism at half the country, and beat the dead horse of the Russian collusion conspiracy well beyond the hope of any serious public traction? It is amazing only if you assume that the liberal media possesses, lost in some forgotten corner of its deranged psyche, some shred of respect for the American public. If you give up the hopeful notion that they respect us, leftists' behavior becomes far more understandable.

For the sake of our own mental clarity, we have to delete the phrase "liberal bias" from our vocabulary. A "bias" is a tendency, sometimes even an unconscious tendency, to favor one thing over another. A "biased journalist" is a person who has some deeply held beliefs that tend to color his assessment of the world. Such people may lean in one direction, but they still imagine that they are looking for and reporting the truth. The idyllic days of biased journalism are over. This isn't the 1980s. This, my friends, is a brave new world. To say CNN is still trying to report the truth but leans a little to the left is like saying the serial killer John Wayne Gacy cared a lot about young people but just got a little overly enthusiastic at times. The liberal media are not engaged in journalism, except on those rare occasions when they cannot find some angle of a natural disaster on which to grind their political axes. They want to destroy both Trump and his supporters – period. They will incite, inflame, obfuscate, and outright lie in the pursuit of that goal.

Journalism schools do not teach journalism anymore. They teach persuasive storytelling. They teach the Machiavellian black art of propaganda. Like most black arts, left-wing "journalism" relies heavily on its own peculiar dogma of magical rites and incantations. To shut down Herman Cain in 2012, our leftist adversaries invented (or at least exaggerated) the ever popular sex scandal – the trusted and true kill shot they have used to assassinate troublesome public figures for decades. Republicans nailed by a weeping and well paid accuser have typically curled into the fetal position and faded away. There have been subtle variations to this gambit, but the tune is always recognizably the same. All bow before the dirge of the disgraced. Then the left tried it on Trump – and failed! He staggered briefly with the airing of the Billy Bush tape and a bevy of newly found women wronged, but he was soon on sure footing again. The Christian voters who were supposed to abandon him in droves had been played for suckers one time too many. They'd had enough.

The Russia scandal, I think, was just another attempt to divide and conquer. The hope was that the legions of retired cold warriors who voted for Trump would balk in Pavlovian fashion at the mere mention of the word "Russia." Again, the media wing of the political class showed quite plainly that they hold the minds of ordinary mortals in...

Illegal alien is arrested for 'starting dozens of wildfires in Colorado that forced hundreds to evacuate and destroyed 38,000 acres of land', as video shows blaze rapidly engulfing one of the many decimated homes

  • Jesper Joergensen, 52, was taken into custody last Saturday for the suspected arson that started the Springs Fire 
  • Joergensen is not a U.S. citizen and will be handed over to ICE once he has faced arson charges 
  • The fire has scorched over 38,000 acres (15,378 hectares) between the towns of Fort Garland and La Veta in southern Colorado
  • Dylan R Brown Agency - Farmers Insurance captured video of the wildfire as it devoured a home on Forbes Park in Fort Garland, Colorado 
A man was arrested on Saturday on charges of starting a forest fire in Colorado that has destroyed structures and forced hundreds to evacuate their homes in one of dozens of wildfires raging across the drought-hit U.S. southwest.

Jesper Joergensen, 52, was taken into custody last Saturday for the suspected arson that started the Springs Fire, according to Costilla County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.

Joergensen is not a U.S. citizen and will be handed over to ICE once he has faced arson charges, said a Costilla County detention officer.

The officer could not immediately say what nationality Joergensen held.

The fire has scorched over 38,000 acres (15,378 hectares) between the towns of Fort Garland and La Veta in southern Colorado, forcing more mandatory evacuations of homes and ranches on Saturday in a mountainous area of public and private land.

Dylan R Brown Agency - Farmers Insurance captured video of the wildfire as it devoured a home on Forbes Park in Fort Garland.

The brief clip shows the driveway of the home as fire blazes its way toward the house.

Soon, a bright red light comes into view as the flames engulf the...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #305

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, July 1, 2018


Girls With Guns

The Wall That Ended Muslim Suicide Bombings...

More Wall Porn:

Armed Clashes In Iran As Guiliani Calls For Regime Change: "End Is Near"

Protests in the southern Iran city of Khorramshahr turned into an armed confrontation with security forces early Sunday, resulting in injuries among protesters and police, with conflicting reports that one or more demonstrators may have died.Screenshot from social media video taken in the city of Khorramshahr showing armed clashes with police. 

Iran's state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) confirmed the clashes in the historically restive Arab-majority city after large protests over clean water shortages in the region began Friday, and after 3 days of economic protests in Tehran resulted in the temporary closure of the Grand Bazaar early last week.

Though the AP confirms that gunfire erupted in Khorrmashahr, it reports multiple injuries and no fatalities as "online videos appear to show Iranian security forces shooting at protesters."

However Saudi-owned Al Arabiya reported four deaths among protesters on Saturday, and BBC Persian cited at least one death based on an eyewitness account. The Times of Israel echoed regional Arabic press and cited four deaths during the protests.

: Several people were killed and wounded in protest against the Islamic Republic of Iran in . The protests are still ongoing. People slogan: "Down with Islamic Reupblic"

Meanwhile the AP emphasizes that police were primarily on the receiving end of the violence while citing Iranian media:

Gunfire erupted as Iranian security forces confronted protesters early Sunday amid demonstrations over water scarcity in the country's south, violence that authorities said wounded at least 11 people, mostly police.

While difficult to verify the exact nature of what's being shown, multiple social media videos from the clashes purport to show shots fired by police into crowds of demonstrators, and elsewhere armed men opposing police, including a scene of a man wielding an assault rifle on a motorcycle.
Khoramshar water shortage protest turned violent tonight.

What we know:
-At least 2 protesters shot, possibly by getting close to military zones
-Mobs set 2 museums on fire (reports)
-1 hour of calm
- No base takeovers(anti-regime journos have claimed)
- Armed bike is suspicious

The dramatic footage of overnight events in Khorramshahr has pro- and anti-regime activists debating who is to blame for the violence; however, it's clear from video footage being circulated by...