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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Communist Zealot Pope Francis Brings Anti-English Speaking Agenda To U.S. Where 93% Speak English..

In a bow to the huge U.S. Hispanic population and the Catholic Church's advocacy of immigration, Pope Francis plans to give his Washington Mass Sept. 23 in Spanish, according to Cardinal Donald William Wuerl.
"The Mass is going to be in Spanish," Wuerl said Wednesday while previewing the pope's trip to reporters.
"It's a recognition of how large the Hispanic population in the United States is," said Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington. "And he's coming as the first pope from the New World and the predominant language in this hemisphere is Spanish," added Wuerl of the Argentine-born pope.

Francis, meanwhile, will use his address to Congress to call for bipartisanship (aka Republican capitulation)...

Gov’t Accuses Company Of Discrimination Over Employees Having To Prove Citizenship Status

The Department of Justice has accused a business of discrimination due to the company requiring employees to show proof of citizenship for employment.

The DOJ claims that Nebraska Beef Ltd., a Nebraska-based meat packing company, “required non-U.S. citizens, but not similarly-situated U.S. citizens, to present specific documentary proof of their immigration status to verify their employment eligibility.”

After receiving pressure from the government, Nebraska Beef agreed to pay $200,000 in a civil penalty settlement and said they will establish an uncapped back pay fund for people who lost wages because they could not prove they are in the country legally.

The settlement also requires the business to undergo compliance monitoring for two years, train employees on the anti-discrimination provision within the Immigration and Nationality Act, and to revise policies within its office.

Judicial Watch reports:

The DOJ’s Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices objected to non-U.S. citizens being “targeted” because of their citizenship status. “The department’s investigation found that the company required non-U.S. citizens, but not...

Morning Mistress

Friday, September 4, 2015

Girls With Guns

Note To Gun Grabbers:

...And.... He's Gone...

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE
Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE 

Morning Mistress

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Girls With Guns

The Incredible Effect Of Guns In Switzerland...

Barack Obama's Diabolical Plan To Give A Terrorist State Nuclear Weapons Moves Forward...

The nuclear agreement with Iran will increase the likelihood of military conflict, according to a council of prominent retired military leaders and intelligence officials.

The Jewish Institute for National Security Affair’s (JINSA) Iran Strategy Council released a report Wednesday that contends that the United States will be in a “far worse position to prevent a nuclear Iran” after 10 to 15 years of the agreement regarding Tehran’s nuclear capacity, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

“Implementing JCPOA will have significant strategic consequences for our interests and allies in the region,” retired Gen. James Conway and retired Air Force Gen. Chuck Wald, who together chair the council, said in a statement.

According to the report, “the agreement increases both the probability and danger of hostilities with Iran.”

The report also suggests that the deal will allow Iran to grow more militarily capable over the next decade as the United States sees an erosion of its own forces.

“The United States is in a far better position to prevent a nuclear Iran today, even by military means if necessary, than when the JCPOA sunsets,” the authors say. “The strategic environment will grow much more treacherous in the next...

Hot Pick

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Girls With Guns