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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

US stealth bombers in Guam appear to be readying for a tactical nuclear strike on North Korea

  • The US recently sent nuclear bombers to North Korea that can carry tactical nukes that would be perfect for taking out Kim Jong Un.
  • Some have suggested that a quick tactical nuclear strike on North Korea could cripple the country’s nuclear infrastructure with few casualties.
  • Recent reports have suggested President Donald Trump considering a strike on North Korea, but some experts and politicians think the idea of a tactical nuclear strike is a recipe for disaster.

The US has been quietly amassing firepower in the Pacific during a lull in tensions with North Korea, but recent developments on an under-the-radar nuclear weapon suggest preparation for a potential tactical nuclear strike.

The US recently sent B-2 stealth bombers to Guam, where they joined B-1 and B-52s, the other bombers in the US’s fleet.

While the B-2 and B-52 are known as the air leg of the US’s nuclear triad, as they carry nuclear-capable air-launched cruise missiles, a smaller nuclear weapon that has undergone some upgrades may lend itself to a strike on North Korea.

The B-61, a tactical nuclear gravity bomb that the B-2 can carry 16 of, has been modified in recent years to increase its accuracy and ability to hit underground targets, though that version has not yet been deployed.

Not only will the B-61’s new modification make it ideal for destroying dug-in bunkers, the kind in which North Korean leader Kim Jong Un might hide during a conflict, but it has an adjustable nuclear yield that could limit harmful radioactive fallout after a nuclear attack.

Though the US has plenty of nuclear weapons that can easily hit North Korea from land, air, or sea, they’re predominantly large ones meant to deter countries like Russia or China.

A 2017 paper in MIT’s International Security journal suggested that recent advances in guidance systems and nuclear weapons could allow the US to destroy all of North Korea’s nuclear infrastructure while causing 100 or so deaths, versus 2 million to 3 million deaths on both sides of...

People From Shitholes...

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Rep. Matt Gaetz Claims Evidence of a ‘Palace Coup’ in FBI Against Trump

Confidence in bureau must be restored, says congressman — and urges Congress to #ReleaseTheMemo on surveillance abuses

FBI officials exhibited “elements” of a “palace coup meant to disrupt” President Donald Trump both before and after the 2016 presidential election, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said during an interview on Fox News’ “The Story with Martha MacCallum.”

“These are the elements of a palace coup that was underway to disrupt President Trump, both before and after his election,” Gaetz told McCallum. “And I suspect there will be multiple inquiries.”

The FBI admitted last week that it had “failed to preserve” text messages from two anti-Trump FBI employees during a five-month period. Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) told Fox News on Monday that new text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page showed Strzok implying that a “secret society” of anti-Trump federal agents attempted to prevent Trump from becoming president.

Gaetz urged Attorney General Jeff Sessions to get to the bottom of the controversy and “restore confidence” in the FBI.

Gaetz said more than 20 members of the House Judiciary Committee sent Sessions a letter demanding the installation of a second special counsel to investigate the bias claims. A Rasmussen Reports poll released Wednesday found 49 percent of likely U.S. voters believe another special counsel should be created to investigate potential bias in the FBI in the handling of its Trump probe and the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server use. Just 31 percent rejected the idea of a second special counsel.

"I’m hopeful that the attorney general will act on that immediately so that we can restore confidence in the FBI on behalf of the countless men and women on the front lines working hard who I believe have been betrayed by ...

Illegal Aliens - The Newest Democrat Protected Class - For This Reason...

This Device Kills people!


Europe Comes Up With Perfectly Orwellian Responses to ‘Fake News’

In their zeal to stamp out “fake news,” European governments are turning toward Orwellian solutions that are worse than the disease.

The European Commission recently created a 39-member panelto explore avenues to eliminate fake news. On Twitter, it announced that it seeks to find a “balanced approach” to protecting free speech and making sure citizens get “reliable information.”

We need to find a balanced approach between the freedom of expression, media pluralism and a citizens' right to access diverse and reliable information.

This follows in the footsteps of individual governments in Europe that have decided that the way to defeat fake news is to have the government decide what the truth is.

Germany recently enacted a law that allows the government to censor social media and fine related companies that won’t take down what government officials deem fake news or hate speech.

France isn’t far behind. French President Emmanuel Macronproposed a ban on fake news, especially around election time, “in order to protect democracy.”

And on Tuesday, U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May announced the creation of a commission to respond to fake news called the National Security Communications Unit.

A spokesperson for the May government said: “Digital communications is constantly evolving and we are looking at ways to meet the challenging media landscape by harnessing the power of new technology for good.”

The key problem with these proposals is obvious, as the ...

Hillary: Haiti Isn't A Shithole, It's A Goldmine!!

US Surgeon, Who Exposed Clinton Foundation Corruption In Haiti, Found Dead

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here."

Strzok and Page Wanted to 'Fix' Damage They Did in Clinton Investigation, Text Reveals
This comes after text messages between FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and senior FBI lawyer Lisa Page, his paramour, revealed that a "secret society" of officials within the FBI met the day after the election of Donald J. Trump to plot against the president-elect.

"A secret society?" Baier asked. "Secret meetings off-site of the Justice Department? And you have an informant saying that?"

"Yes," Johnson answered matter-of-factly.

"Is [there] anything more about that?" Baier asked.

"No. We have to dig into it -- this is not a distraction. Again, this is bias -- potentially corruption -- at the highest levelsee of the FBI," Johnson declared.

"By the way," he added. "Robert Mueller used to run the FBI. He is in no position to do an investigation over this kind of misconduct." Johnson said the controversies surrounding the FBI have reached the point at which a second special counsel is...