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Friday, October 5, 2018

Witness Told FBI That Ford's 'Allies' Pressured Her To Change Story, Report Says

A woman that Christine Blasey Ford claimed was at the party where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her circa 1982 told FBI investigators that Dr. Ford's "allies" tried to pressure her to change her story about what happened.

Leland Keyser told investigators that Ford's friend, former FBI agent Monica McLean, had urged her to alter the original statement that she gave about not remembering any such party and not knowing Kavanaugh, The Wall Street Journalreported.

The Journal noted that Keyser's statement to the FBI offered "a glimpse into how Dr. Ford’s allies were working behind the scenes to lobby old classmates to bolster their versions of the alleged incident."
A source close to the situation told the Journal that Dr. Ford's friends "including Ms. McLean, had contacted Ms. Keyser after her initial statement to warn her that her statement was being used by Republicans to rebut the allegation against Judge Kavanaugh."
In a statement, David Laufman, McLean's attorney, denied the allegations, writing: "Any notion or claim that Ms. McLean pressured Leland Keyser to alter Ms. Keyser’s account of what she recalled concerning the alleged incident between Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh is absolutely false."
The Journal notes that allies of Kavanaugh also reached out to people, including former classmate Karen Yarasavage, who said that she was asked to go on record about the allegation made by Deborah Ramirez.
Ford's ex-boyfriend claimed this week in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee that Ford had coached McLean on how to pass a polygraph test so she could get into the FBI. This accusation was serious because, if true, Ford perjured herself under oath when she said that she had "never" given anyone any tips on how to take a polygraph test.
This latest revelation comes after Ford's story was thoroughly discredited by Rachel Mitchell, the prosecutor that questioned her during her testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who said that her story was "even weaker" than...

Soros-Funded MoveOn.org Threatens ‘Direct Action’ in D.C., Preps ‘Emergency Campaign’ to Stop Brett Kavanaugh

Activist Robert Reich, who served as Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Labor, sent out a blast email on behalf of MoveOn.org on Thursday asking for donations to fund “MoveOn’s emergency campaign to stop Brett Kavanaugh.”

In the email, MoveOn.org, which has been massively backed by billionaire George Soros, warned the group’s anti-Kavanaugh plot is set to include “direct actions in Washington, D.C., at Senate office buildings, including busing in constituents from key states.”

The radical organization also wrote in the email it was planning to:

Escalate pressure on key senators, especially Susan Collins. Collins is the key swing vote in this process, and MoveOn is continuing to lift up stories from her constituents, support direct actions in Maine, and purchase ads in her state calling for her to stand with survivors, defend reproductive rights, and stop Kavanaugh.

Hold Republicans accountable. We will not forget their party’s actions at last week’s hearing, their unwavering support for Kavanaugh, and their attempts to discredit Dr. Blasey Ford and others when we head to the ballot box in five weeks. Ending GOP control of Congress and electing people who believe survivors. We will end GOP control of Congress and elect people who believe survivors and listen to women—because the fight for our fundamental rights is essential.

“Will you chip in $3 right now and help support MoveOn’s emergency campaign to stop Brett Kavanaugh?” the email asked.

The blast email smeared Kavanaugh as an “accused sexual predator and right-wing anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ partisan.”

“If this isn’t a sham investigation, I don’t know what is,” Reich wrote of the wrapped-up FBI investigation which Democrats themselves had demanded despite the Senate already taking statements from key individuals.

“In less than a week, Trump, McConnell, and Kavanaugh have managed to make a mockery of the Senate, the FBI, and the Supreme Court,” Reich complained.

The ideologue did not mention accusations that the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), deliberately held back for weeks Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation and then deployed the charges for political purposes.

“Beyond that, this charade is an insult to the women of America,” Reich added, failing to mention that the news media’s publication of Ford’s name seemingly doxed Kavanaugh’s female accuser against her wishes.

MoveOn.org has taken center stage in opposing Kavanaugh, leading a #StopKavanaugh campaign aimed at mobilizing supporters to call their senators in opposition to Kavanaugh’s nomination.

On Saturday, Politico reported on progressive groups, including MoveOn.org, making a “last-minute push to stop Kavanaugh.”

Besides funding from Soros, MoveOn.org has also been financed by...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #400

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Thursday, October 4, 2018

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Happiness Is A Warm Trailer Of Guns!