90 Miles From Tyranny : Hillary Rodham Clinton is going down.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hillary Rodham Clinton is going down.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is going down. Down under that is. She will be meeting with "friends" to taste some of that sweet wine. It seems that the former first lady's foray into the underside of the globe will cost the American taxpayer quite the pretty penny. Here are some details:

Globetrotting Hillary and Golden Globe
award winner Christina Aguilera
THE 150-strong entourage is likely to visit Penfolds' Magill Estate for either a wine tasting session or private function.                             

THE entourage has booked more than 100 rooms over several floors at the Intercontinental Hotel .

When will Hillary Clinton testify in the Benghazi affair? Perhaps when this season of her favorite TV show "Love It Or List It," comes to an end. Seems the Madam Secretary thinks that the Obama's are just doing an 8 year overhaul of her home until she moves back in. I say list it Hillary, Marco Rubio and his wife and family are gonna move in that White House.... 

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