90 Miles From Tyranny : Something is fishy in the Allen West Congressional race in Florida

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Something is fishy in the Allen West Congressional race in Florida

Trying to insure that Democrat Patrick Murphy gets elected, St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker has performed an unprecedented partial recount instead of a full recount.  This occurred after some odd changes in the ballot count went from representative West having the lead to Patrick Murphy having the lead when Gertrude Walker took it upon herself to recount some of the early ballots. 

I personally witnessed some odd goings on in my Florida District, when perfectly packaged absentee ballots arrived and had to be included in my district count.  I wonder if someone can just manufacture fake ballots and deliver them to the election districts with cooperative district officers.

The Florida Division of Elections has become concerned over the anomalies in the count and is now sending three employees to St. Lucie County on Wednesday to try to figure out how 799 votes disappeared in Sunday’s partial recount of the close congressional race.
In order to keep the election as transparent as possible, a full recount must be enforced.  We need to support Allen West in this effort, he is an outspoken Tea party member that is a refreshing voice in American politics.

Here is the Article form the Palm Beach Post:


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