90 Miles From Tyranny : Rachel Maddow gets her Boxers all in a twist because a Billboard discourages Voter Fraud

Monday, December 10, 2012

Rachel Maddow gets her Boxers all in a twist because a Billboard discourages Voter Fraud

Rachel Maddow tonight is all upset because this billboard (to the right) discourages voter fraud.  I guess anything that would inhibit her radical leftist, progressive agenda is bad and harmful to... I guess galloping Marxism? 

I occasionally punish myself and take a fantastical journey into the wacky nether realms of hate, anger and dishonesty called MSNBC, the mouthpiece and co-conspirators of the Usurper Obama.

MS. Maddow refers to this billboard as a "Scary Billboard"; who exactly would this be scary to other than someone who was engaging in voter fraud?  She believes it is her calling to fight against the fight against voter fraud.  The Liberal Agenda reveals itself.


  1. I can't stand to watch that dude for more that 2 minutes!

  2. That billboard hit very close! The flak is always right next to the target. The non-Fox Media must be hiding somthing considering the anomalies during the election (St Lucia and other battleground counties having more than 100% turnout).


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