90 Miles From Tyranny : How To Count Urinals - (excluding San Francisco)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

How To Count Urinals - (excluding San Francisco)


  1. I disagree with the second picture. Given the first picture, I prefer to target urinal #4, as this allows me to seize the most territory at once. After all, the next guy who enters the restroom will automatically head* for urinal #2. The third guy has to choose between standing between two guys (me at urinal #4 and Second Guy at urinal #2) or standing between one guy and a wall. Assuming that urinal #1 is closest to the door, that's the one the third guy will likely choose.

    *Pun intended, of course... ;-)

    1. Yours is a bold strategy indeed. However, listen closely and I will reveal your tactical error. Assuming all urinals are empty and the door is to the left, urinal #5 is the only choice to make. In this scenario if you choose Urinal #5 you will never have another penis holder next to you unless all urinals are full. In your scenario, the fourth person would choose urinal #5 rather than the middle urinal with penis holders on either side. Now if this were a movie theater or any public space where a group exits at the same time, the urinals would all fill up all around you and the golden rule is: a wall next to you is ALWAYS better than a penis holder next to you. I rest my case.


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