90 Miles From Tyranny : The Liar In Chief States This is "Fixable"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Liar In Chief States This is "Fixable"

Barack Obama CAN fix the IRS scandal by resigning.

During the very late, very brief press conference, the former Muslim student's mouth was moving.  If his mouth moves, the murderous liar is lying.


  1. No doubt about it, you racists are sick in the head! Anyone who hates Obama IS in fact and racist, bigoted, hateful asshole. and that's you scumbags all over!

    Hateful Racist, bigoted Lying Sack of Shit Calls Obama A Liar? PLEASE! You racist hypocrites don't ever to get to call Obama or anyone a liar for the rest of Obama's term!

    Stop watching Fox news, you moron. Everyone knows they're not a real news source, and everyone knows that nobody has any real evidence of him being a Muslim, Marxist, Anti-American or any of the crap. Its all lies created by you racists because you can't call him the N-word! of course he hasn't been impeached, the average American citizen isn't stupid enough to believe this crap.

    Now you guys apparently believe that shortly after being sworn into office, during an economic crisis and 2 wars, he got with some IRS agents in Ohio and conspired to make Tea Party people fill out extra paper work. How can there be a "debate" when one side is that crazy?

    Nixon lied, cheated, directed the IRS to target his enemies etc, etc. Reagan ran illegal wars funded by CIA drug-dealing into the US, both routinely broke every law they could find, and NOW the Republicans get picky because of stuff in no way linked to the current President?

    And Bush administration's was great lol.

    What about the people killed in Iraq because of Bush lies. WMDs? Any of you remember HW Bush's Remark regarding Iran-Contra "I was out of the loop" how many of you believe that a former CIA director and VP was out of the loop on that issue. Where was all the GOP blather and impeachment talk them? How many believe Reagan did know what was going on?

    America was only a few months away from total collapse when he took office. If he wanted the country destroyed, he could have just let it happen. Instead, the legislation he passed saved the country. That's why conservatives are so mad. America still exists, despite their best efforts.

    Any of you remember HW Bush's Remark regarding Iran-Contra "I was out of the loop" how many of you believe that a former CIA director and VP was out of the loop on that issue. Where was all the GOP blather and impeachment talk them? How many believe Reagan did know what was going on?

    Republicans have hated this President from day one. Why? Racism? No: Embarrassment that Bush left a mess that a Democrat has to attempt to clean up.

    Obama has never tried to do anything about the economy and jobs? Are you nuts? This President has tried putting forth numerous jobs bills that the GOP has knocked down in order to keep the economy in the dump so they can blame him for it. They simply don't want him to succeed.

    This President is not far enough left to suit me. He's more centrist than you'll ever admit. His protection of Wall Street and expansion of the Patriot Act and extention of the Bush tax cuts are awful.

    I don't think it's purely coincidence that the first black President we've ever had has been so savagely attacked, stymied, and maligned by conservatives since day one. Obama literally brings the absolute worst out of his critics and race has everything to do with that especially when you take into consideration that the largest demographic for conservatives is over 65 and those people lived at a time when there was still institutionalized racism in many parts of the country. It was certainly in the culture everywhere. Because of that they will always see a black man, no matter how accomplished or smart as somehow bad, less then, or up to no good.


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