90 Miles From Tyranny : A Revealing Look at Bullets Precisely Split in Half

Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Revealing Look at Bullets Precisely Split in Half

Ammo is a series of portraits featuring bullets cut in half, revealing what this powerful object looks like on the inside. With over 900 specimen in her collection, Pearlman displays the projectiles in a simple format, against a blank background, to draw the focus on the objects themselves. Each bullet contains its own sort of personality to go with its unique design and makeup.
There's something inexplicably mesmerizing about the tiny shells, as seen up close, that draws the gaze. There is a visually striking symmetry to each round that is all at once beautiful and lethal. The photographer says, "The cross-sections reveal a hidden complexity and beauty of form, which stands in vast contrast to the destructive purpose of the object. It's a representation of the evil and the beautiful, a reflection of the human condition."
Leftist Idiots, suggesting that there is something evil in an inanimate object.  The same exact thing can be said about cars split in half, there are more than three times the amount of deaths related to cars than bullets.

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