90 Miles From Tyranny : Freedom Of Speech No Longer Exists in France

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Freedom Of Speech No Longer Exists in France

For French parliament lawmaker, Marine le Pen, speaking the truth is a criminal offense.  France's hate speech laws restrict and criminalize legitimate criticism of important issues and empowers government bureaucrats to ban and criminalize certain ideas and imprison those who express them.

In a speech in 2010 le Pen denounced the holding of Muslim prayers in the streets of France saying: "For those who like to talk about World War II, to talk about occupation, we could talk about, for once, the occupation of our territory."

"There are no armoured vehicles, no soldiers, but it is an occupation all the same and it weighs on people."

Prosecutors in Lyon, where the speech took place, opened an investigation into the remarks for "inciting racial hatred".  

Europe is being occupied by a culture of hate and intolerance called Islam and speaking out against the hate and intolerance is considered hate speech.

Europe is on the road to self destruction and no one is manning the brakes.

More about Islam:

WARNING - Graphic Video Of Beheading Of Catholic Priest By Obama Backed Syrians

1 comment:

  1. People are such cowards.

    I respect those like Le Pen who show real backbone.


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