90 Miles From Tyranny : Lefties Think That The Reason For MSNBC's Decline Is Because They Are Too Smart For The American Public

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lefties Think That The Reason For MSNBC's Decline Is Because They Are Too Smart For The American Public

By Mike Miles 7/11/2013

Well you can polish up a turd as much as you want but it will still stink like MSNBC's sycophantic approval of everything Obama.  Perhaps the left and the media analyzers on the left are so knee deep in their own messiah complex that they are unable to see the tyranny for the loss of civil liberties (read this as forest for the trees you lefty butt sniffers).

When MSNBC and other leftist cronies of the Obama Administration attempt to minimize, under report, ignore and otherwise obfuscate the facts about the loss of civil liberties, targeting of individuals and organizations, and the arrogant power grabbing under the current administration, do you really believe that the American public do not see and understand what is happening?  

Perhaps we are not as stupid as you believe us to be for not listening to this rabid complicity in the media. Maybe, just maybe the American public is is a bit tired of having their olfactory senses assaulted by the heaping, daily load of manure that the leftist media is serving us in generous portions.  We are smart enough to know when to hold our own nose.  More and more people are wising up to the foul stench that you attempt to serve us you lousy piles of crap.


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