90 Miles From Tyranny : Mandatory Government Alerts On Smartphones, Civil Liberties, And The American Citizen As Enemy...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Mandatory Government Alerts On Smartphones, Civil Liberties, And The American Citizen As Enemy...

So I just got the below message on my iphone...

Apparently they have added Government alerts for Amber and Emergencies. I just wonder if there isn't just a little bit of NSA code embedded discretely in there somewhere. Our current administration seems much more interested in its own citizens than outside terror sources which we apparently cannot even now post on bus signs

So if the government can now "push" alerts out to you, can they now push a query out to your unique device id to gather data, such as your current location, recent phone calls, text messages and emails? 

There is a certain anonymity in big data, your data in a database of hundreds of millions maybe somewhat anonymous. However, given the current administration's propensity to target certain groups of individuals who least resemble sheep, their distrust of individuals who represent the most law abiding group in this country, their willingness to spy not on America's enemies, but citizens who disagree with their "vision" of change, how can we not be suspicious of government adding software to our smartphones? 

A smartphone is a powerful tool for both the individual and the government. The smartphone can be big brother; your location and usage can be known real time, they can listen in on your audio and even access your camera and watch you or perhaps just the inside of your pocket or purse.

We must set limits on what the government can do, they should not have access to this data, our civil rights and civil liberties are at stake, it is time that we just said "no" to this erosion of our privacy and rights.

More ways your civil liberties are eroding:

Public Buses Across Country Quietly Adding Microphones to Record Passenger Conversations

Big Brother: Feds Propose Tracking Black Boxes in All New Cars.

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