90 Miles From Tyranny : Medical Proof: Reading This Blog Keeps You Healthy!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Medical Proof: Reading This Blog Keeps You Healthy!

Staring At Women's Breasts Is Good For Your Health

An important study carried out by German researchers suggest that staring at women’s breasts is good for men’s health and increases their life expectancy.

According to Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist and author of the study, ogling at women’s breasts is equivalent to an intense exercise regime that can help prolong the lifespan of a man by five years.

“Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female, is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out,” says according to Dr. Weatherby.

The research was conducted over a five-year span on 200 healthy men. Half the volunteers were instructed to ogle at the breasts of women daily, while the rest were told to refrain from doing so.

At the close of the study, the researchers noted that the men who stared at the breasts of females on a regular basis exhibited lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and lesser episodes of coronary artery disease.

The researchers declared that sexual desire gives rise to better blood circulation that signifies an overall improved health.

Weatherby explained the concept stating, “Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. There’s no question: Gazing at breasts makes men healthy.

“Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack in half. We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life four to five years.”

In addition, she also recommended that men over 40 should gaze at larger breasts daily for 10 minutes.

The German research is believed to be published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Gentlemen, You Are Welcome! 

Here are some more healthy links for you: HERE

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