90 Miles From Tyranny : SURPRISE! Common Core Third Grade Text Book Portrays Obama as God-Like Figure

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SURPRISE! Common Core Third Grade Text Book Portrays Obama as God-Like Figure

Queue the chorus of angelic voices...
Check out this excerpt from the article:
"Barry rose – his mother’s voice driving him from dream land. ‘Time for learning English grammar and the Golden Rule. Be honest, be kind, be fair,’ she taught him.”

"Be Honest, be kind, be fair."  So what happened?  How did he turn into a lying, stealing sack of... 
Commie mommy must not have taught him so well....

...the rest of the article is HERE 

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the reasons my Son is home-schooled, the other reasons have to do with wanting him to be articulate, intelligent and a critical thinker.


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