90 Miles From Tyranny : In Order To Decrease The Infection That Created Detroit...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

In Order To Decrease The Infection That Created Detroit...

Detroit You Say?

Detroit Addresses Its Biggest Problem: George Zimmerman


  1. Now this one I need to print and post in my shop....thanks.

  2. HEY now, Indiana (for the most part) is NOT leftist blue. DON'T try and lump us with the rest of the socialists.

    Them's fightin' words.

  3. HEY now, Indiana (for the most part) is NOT leftist blue. DON'T try and lump us with the rest of the socialists.

    Them's fightin' words.

  4. You're right Chicago is indeed a Democrat shit hole.

    I may be trapped in Crook County, but not all of us are pain-in-the-ass liberals. I've never voted for a Democrat my entire life.

    Fat lot of good it's done me.


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