90 Miles From Tyranny : What Our Founders Had In Mind When They Wrote The 2nd Amendment...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

What Our Founders Had In Mind When They Wrote The 2nd Amendment...

Government Should Be Scared Not Arrogant Like They Are Now...

1 comment:

  1. aActually prior to 1934 US citizens had access to better and more powerful firearms than the US government issued to troops.
    Thompson submachine guns used to be available right next to Colt revolvers and Winchester lever action rifles with no background check or paperwork of any sort on the federal level. Any weapon carried in the Revolutionary War buy a private citizen might have been rifled but the issue weapons of our opponents were smooth bore giving advantage of accuracy and range to the US Insurgents. Weapons technology advanced rapidly over the next century and advancements were made both in ignition systems and the design of cartridge weapons. The us did not issue cartridge weapons until the 1870s by that time civilians had completely left muzzleloading technology and cap and ball on the doorstep of obsolete equipment,adopting rapid repeating rifles and cartridge in munition for their weapons enabled them to expand into unsettled territories without bringing along a company of infantry or Calvary.


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