90 Miles From Tyranny : Florida House passes bill to allow children to be protected by guns in schools

Monday, April 28, 2014

Florida House passes bill to allow children to be protected by guns in schools

Unfortunately the bill may be stalled in the senate by Democrat enablers.

Florida Democrats who are protected by people carrying guns are arguing against protecting children in schools. Apparently Democrats want the shooter to have plenty of time to carry out the act of cowardice against purposely defenseless and undefended children.

Why do Democrats want children to get killed? Why do Democrats want to create gun free kill zones for all these crazed leftist and democrat shooters? Are Democrats so deranged as to WANT children to get killed in order to further their unconstitutional slobbering designs on taking our rights away?

It is hard to understand extreme leftists who grow more extreme every day along with their slavish leftist media enablers.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for Florida!! Fuck the democrats. If they abhor guns, then let them move to limey land. The country would be 100 percent better off immediately


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