90 Miles From Tyranny : Latest Developments in the Cliven Bundy Case

Friday, April 11, 2014

Latest Developments in the Cliven Bundy Case

The Arizona Legislature Stands With Bundy

In a case of “I would never have believed this in a million years”, the Arizona State Senate President Andy Biggs and the Arizona House of Representatives Speaker Dave Livingston are both in agreement that Arizona should be involved in supporting CSPOA and Oath Keepers in going to Bunkerville, Nevada. These two leaders of the Arizona Legislature have vowed to support the Cliven Bundy family. This stunning development cannot be overstated, and yet, there is more. Additionally, State Senators Al Melvin, Chester Crandall, and Kelly Ward along with State Representatives Brenda Barton, Bob Thorpe, Kelly Townsend and Warren Peterson are all planning to be at the Bundy ranch by Sunday morning. All of these local government officials are planning to attend the Press Conference Monday afternoon with the CSPOA and Oath Keepers along with the Bundy’s and other sheriffs and public officials from across the country.

The Oathkeepers Declare Their Position

Read The Rest HERE


  1. The feds are, I hope, about to find out what Custer found out. I can't attend this event, but I am watching, closely. This is the first test case of the feds seeing just how many people they can parse and possibly murder, and get away with it. If people don't choose to stand together, they will hang alone. It will probably have to get messy. As long as the right heads roll, it's as good as it gets. Watching...

  2. How many are going to be armed???? You can bet your sweet ass THEY sure will be, and if they see NO threat they will be about as arrogant pricks as they want to be. The first thing that should take place is for a bunch of people to tear down that goddamm "first amendment" area fence and sign, and throw it in the ditch. Then get right in their face. If they turn the dogs loose kill the 4 legged bastards. I will also be there.


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