90 Miles From Tyranny : A substantial proportion of the Medicaid expansion that taxpayers are funding would be directed toward convicted criminals

Friday, May 30, 2014

A substantial proportion of the Medicaid expansion that taxpayers are funding would be directed toward convicted criminals

I am sure that everyone will be relieved to know that there is now a sure fire way to get free medical care. Become a convicted criminal and you get free Medicaid.

According to the New York Times:
Opponents of the Affordable Care Act say that expanding Medicaid has further burdened an already overburdened program, and that allowing enrollment of inmates only worsens the problem. They also contend that while shifting inmate health care costs to the federal government may help states’ budgets, it will deepen the federal deficit. And they assert that allowing newly released inmates to receive Medicaid could present new public relations problems for the Affordable Care Act.
Ya think?
“There can be little doubt that it would be controversial if it was widely understood that a substantial proportion of the Medicaid expansion that taxpayers are funding would be directed toward convicted criminals,” said Avik Roy, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative policy group.
This is where your tax dollars and medical fees are going towards. Hallelujah! I know, you play the knockout game against me, I get to pay into my huge deductible out of my own pocket, and your poor injured fist gets fixed for free (those bones and teeth in my face are really hard.) 

When is the revolution? 

more below:

New York Times Article

1 comment:

  1. My son was injured in an ATV accident several years ago, and while beginning rehab they signed him up for SSDI, and Medicaid. My income diqualified him for Medicaid, and SSDI was denied also based on my income, which automatically qualified him for Medicaid. Tell me where that makes any lick of sense?


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