90 Miles From Tyranny : Chipotle Has Banned Guns....Let's ban Chipotle...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Chipotle Has Banned Guns....Let's ban Chipotle...

Don't reward gun grabbers.  Don't reward Chipotle, they have joined Starbucks, Target, and Staples in banning the open carry of guns in their stores.

Viva Second Amendment!


  1. When a business has such a sign up, I usually ask. Idiots do attempt sabotage. But with it being a chain, I definitely will not eat there, or be persuaded to eat there. If I have to, I'll eat alone though usually others will follow along. If they are right minded, I will explain, if libs I never bother saying why.

    So... check.

  2. But they didn't ban guns, they took the Starbucks approach and "Asked" folks not t bring 'em in the store...

    Up t that point they gave us the victory by choosing not to take a stand.

    Until these assholes hadda carry rifles into their dining room just to prove a point.

    in reality, nothing has changed for CCW in their dining areas, just no open carry and follow local and state laws.

  3. But they didn't ban guns, they took the Starbucks approach and "Asked" folks not t bring 'em in the store...

    Up t that point they gave us the victory by choosing not to take a stand.

    Until these assholes hadda carry rifles into their dining room just to prove a point.

    in reality, nothing has changed for CCW in their dining areas, just no open carry and follow local and state laws.

  4. Oh, and BTW, I'd prefer is people didn't carry rifles into my business either, slung over a shoulder might not bother me, but most of my customers might feel otherwise. Carried in your hands? I might well draw on you myself.

  5. Those two idiots aren't doing 2A supporters any favors. And I seriously doubt any of us want them anywhere nearby when the SHTF with the possible exception that their weapons will be available to anyone who wants to pick them up about 5 milliseconds after the shooting starts.

  6. I can't boycott Chipolte anyway, don't go them.

  7. These two chowderheads walked in with AR's in their hands at the ready position, not just slung in open carry. In other words, they were "brandishing" the weapons. They are lucky someone didn't open up on them.

    If you are going to support open carry, be prepared to condemn morons who don't go about it safely.


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