90 Miles From Tyranny : When The People Find They Can Vote Themselves Money, That Will Herald The End Of The Republic..

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

When The People Find They Can Vote Themselves Money, That Will Herald The End Of The Republic..

Ben Franklin, one of my earliest heros..


  1. In my opinion, the death of our republic is imminent, and the trouble began with the broadening of the voting franchise. A pure democracy was not what the founders wanted, as such a political system inevitably descended into chaos as the people simply voted for the transfer of wealth from whoever happened to have it to themselves. This is exactly what is happening now, and the productive going "Galt" is the least of our worries. I fear the tyranny of the demos is soon to be replaced by another, more concentrated tyranny that we will like even less.

  2. Uhrm, Benjamin did not pen that. One of the ancient Greeks or Romans did... Pliny the Elder, or some such. Can't remember exactly. Which is why this nation was based on a combination of democracy and republic. Unfortunately, it seems democracy has eaten the republic.


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