90 Miles From Tyranny : Have A Safe 4th Of July...

Friday, July 4, 2014

Have A Safe 4th Of July...

1 comment:

  1. From Drudge: The estimated 100 protesters, including those favoring the immigrants, are being restricted to a "safety zone" away from the road. Many had remained all night at the site, vowing a repeat of Tuesday's blockade. One protester has reportedly been arrested on suspicion of attempting to convince protesters to refuse to abide by police rules.
    In a shift from previous days, pro-immigrant supporters outnumbered anti-illegal immigration protesters on the dusty roads leading to the Murrieta Border Patrol facility Friday.

    In April, at the Bundy Ranch it was a "free speech zone." On Independence Day, it is now a "safety zone."
    If this is in your AO, or close to your AO, you need to put the burgers, beer and bikini butt's down, stop patting yourselves on the back, and get the fuck out to Marietta and represent!


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