90 Miles From Tyranny : Sign the National Petition to End the Border Crisis Now!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Sign the National Petition to End the Border Crisis Now!

No Funding for Illegal Aliens National Petition

To: Members of the U.S. House of Representatives

Whereas, thanks to Barack Obama’s pro-illegal alien policies, thousands of illegal aliens are right now pouring across our borders and overwhelming the Border Patrol, and;

Whereas, many of these immigrants belong to gangs or carry infectious diseases, and;

Whereas, if these people are allowed to settle in America they will demand welfare benefits and bankrupt governments, and;

Whereas, by allowing these immigrants to remain in the U.S. we are encouraging even more illegal immigrants to come pouring across our border, and;

Whereas, Barack Obama wants Congress to give him nearly $4 billion to pay for lawyers, food, and shelter for these immigrants as well as the cost of physically resettling them in America;

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that I do hereby DEMAND that the House of Representatives reject this “illegal immigrant slush fund” spending request and force Barack Obama to send these illegal aliens home.

Sign The Petition HERE:


  1. Petitions?? PETITIONS!!?? Oh my fucking sides are aching from laughing. Any moronic asshole knows that all they do is put it on a roll for the politicians to use when they want to wipe their asses. Oh sign the petition, and while you are at it, help us out with a donation of 25,50, or be a big daddy and send in a lifetime membership of 100.00 or more!! I say Fuck off you pussies and quit being a bunch of limp wristed fucks and go work for your money While you're at it ,go down to your local gun show and arm yourselves, you're gonna need it

    1. AMEN ! There will come a time, probably soon, when we'll be glad we did arm ourselves, if only to keep the towelheads away from our doors.

    2. Say hack (how appropriate)! I take it that your foul mouth works at a job for free? Or do you consider standing in line at the welfare office a pretty good paying life long career? They offered a pretty good documentary CD on the border problem. Did you even take the time to watch the "FREE" almost an hour long episode of it that this web site provided? If you (and obviously a couple of other stupid moronic dumb lemming stooges that had also posted right along with you) had continued on with the next section of the web site, without the childish attitude. You would have seen it. And of course you didn't watch it. And how about that, it didn't even cost a dime, you cheap bastard! And they only asked for a donation of 10 bucks for it, not the "25, 50, or 100, that you ranted about, you liar. And that can be a tax write off, doctor! And after watching the sample, I'll gladly give them 10 bucks for a copy of it. To bad you feel they should supply everyone with a CD for nothing, you dumb dolt!

  2. False advertising, if you want money then ask, if you are asking for my support don't tie it into something else.

  3. This petition is a stand by the America people to attempt to blunt a traitorous party and a traitorous President. He must be stopped because without our sovereignty we are no longer a county. God save America from the Jihadist and Chief.

  4. Obama wants the border open to everyone, to comply with what he sees as his obligation to the Jihad. I firmly believe that. Americans were so fascinated with the concept of "the first black president" that they didn't look beyond it. The illegals offer nothing to benefit this country, only a burden to our educational, medical, and welfare systems. They bring diseases that our society abolished long ago; they also include the same criminals and gangs that they claim to be seeking asylum from.

  5. Petition I'll sign that damn thing but stop asking for money hell we are already paying to take care of these idiots that our government won't send back home to where they belong we can't afford no more.


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