90 Miles From Tyranny : This Is The Only Time Putin Fears Obama...

Saturday, July 26, 2014

This Is The Only Time Putin Fears Obama...

More Obama Vs. Putin:

Putin Vs. Obama

Punking A Punk...

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Vs. Barack Hussein Obama...

Knock Knock Joke With Putin And Obama...

1 comment:

  1. Actually, Zero, like no other president before him, should scare Putin, and the rest of the world. Not because he has a backbone, but because he doesn't. He is honestly stupid, petty, ignorant, just on this side of disabled through moral ignorance and incapacity. So, while he wouldn't go after Putin as a man, he would go after him as the retarded bully target. Which would be funny, except he has nukes. I don't know if the military has been, or is continuing, to keep the nuke codes, or the equivalent, out of Zero's hands... but I have heard it said that was true. There would be a reason for it. Same with a woman president, actually. Actually, as Clinton was the first black, Zero is the first woman.


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