90 Miles From Tyranny : Yazidi Member of Iraqi Parliament collapses in tears after calling upon World to Rescue the Yazidis In Iraq..

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Yazidi Member of Iraqi Parliament collapses in tears after calling upon World to Rescue the Yazidis In Iraq..

1 comment:

  1. Seems to me that not too dam long ago the rag headed fucks told us to GET OUT!! NOW!! I'd tell them it's gonna cost 1 billion dollars per day.....in 30day increments.......payable ...UP FRONT. Triple all military's pay rate and keep track of all lost/ruined armament and be compensated for repairs, etc.etc. Then take the gloves off that are restricting our military and let them really kick ass.......I for one do not want to pay/ furnish one more thing to these ingrate bastards. WHY the fuck should we??


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