90 Miles From Tyranny : Am I The Only One Who Is Dreading The Post Election Illegal Alien Amnesty Executive Order Consequences?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Am I The Only One Who Is Dreading The Post Election Illegal Alien Amnesty Executive Order Consequences?

It's like instant 3rd world country status, economic stagnation, no available jobs, surge of crime, disease, and hatred of traditional American values.

I just picture Obama being nervously excited about the prospect of all of this. I just feel a kind of moribund, helpless dread.


  1. You are not alone, my friend. All we can do is reverse the trend by our votes this election and take both houses of congress and hope they get some backbone.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The thing that drives me nuts is that there is no such thing as executive amnesty. It is not within the power of the president to grant amnesty. The constitution gives that power to congress. If Obama declares amnesty it would have no force of law and would constitute an attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of the U.S.


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