90 Miles From Tyranny : Woman Is Denied Her Right To Self Defense, Then Dies Because Of Her Loss Of Rights...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Woman Is Denied Her Right To Self Defense, Then Dies Because Of Her Loss Of Rights...

1 comment:

  1. If you believed the tyranny of lies about superiority, you would have a point. The point of taking away guns, especially the right to bear them, is to create vulnerability. The rape and murder wasn't a superior position, it was something to cow other women, and even men. It means that anyone with money, guns, or authority, can do whatever they want to you, so you better vote Democrat and fall in line. In many of the areas where these things happen very regularly, while many people balk at the notion, as a vast majority they do vote Dem. So... it does work. If only because people choose to allow it.

    If this woman had ignored the law and carried, she would have been potentially just as alive as if the state had allowed her to carry. She chose to obey the law, a bad law. It was a choice. There was a price. While I despise her state, and the nature of the beast that stole her life, I have some anger at her willingness to be a willing sheep to the slaughter. I say that to all men and women in America. Choose. Choose wisely.


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