90 Miles From Tyranny : Socialist Democrats Embrace A Racist Civil War, Their Tool To Fundamental Transformation

Monday, December 22, 2014

Socialist Democrats Embrace A Racist Civil War, Their Tool To Fundamental Transformation

We've all seen it building, the deliberate creation and escalation of racial tensions in America over the past few months. There is no surprise that it has led us to point we are at now, with two New York Police officers murdered by one of the pieces of brainwashed “black victim” trash that the socialists use as their tools.

Just as the government has warned us against the recognized threat of “lone wolf” Islamic sympathizers, the regime and NYC governments must be fully aware that the inflammatory racial division that they are creating is a time bomb that will inevitably explode with the creation of similar racial terrorists.

They successfully took the first step, by creating black victimization heroes from common thugs and lawbreakers; stirring up the weak-minded social parasites into a frenzy of retribution and reparations-based calls for their perverse version of “justice.”

They employ shakedown artists of the likes of Al Sharpton and invite him into the now disgustingly tainted White House to plot their strategy of civil unrest.

The shameful racist and discriminatory misconduct of Eric Holder, Hussein Obama, Bill de Blasio, Al Sharpton and the media that supports them have created the environment necessary for this and similar future acts to take place.

None of this is happening by accident. This is part of the socialist Democrat plan to take down our society, to lower our standard of living, to transform America from a peaceful nation of equal opportunity into a heaping mass of discontent, jealousy, resentment and lawlessness.

The socialist goal is to create chaos and then step in to provide a return to order, with the sacrifice of liberty as the price we then willingly pay for security. In the process they will...

Read The Rest HERE


  1. "The socialist goal is to create chaos and then step in to provide a return to order, with the sacrifice of liberty as the price we then willingly pay for security. "

    I can't really be said any better than that, except both sides play that game. One side just doesn't bother trying to hide it.

    1. In reply: lying for republicans is a pastime...lying for the democrats is an occupation.


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