90 Miles From Tyranny : The president's science czar, who once advocated sterilizing people, says at least human activity is preventing the ice age that we'd been warned about.

Monday, December 29, 2014

The president's science czar, who once advocated sterilizing people, says at least human activity is preventing the ice age that we'd been warned about.

John Holdren, assistant to President Obama for science
and technology, discovers the benefits of global warming

Looks like this may be the new strategy to explain away the lack of warming...

Climate Change: The president's science czar, who once said there are too many people and advocated sterilizing people through drinking water, says at least human activity is preventing the ice age that we'd been warned about.

A tenet of global warming theology, now dubbed "climate change" to cover everything that used to be called weather, is that man is warming the Earth by manufacturing and exhaling carbon dioxide and that one of the consequences, and the theme of the science-fiction movie "Day After Tomorrow," is that said warming could trigger a new ice age.

John Holdren, who holds the title of assistant to the president for science and technology, shares this view as well.

But in a recent online question-and-answer session in which he fielded queries from the public, he let slip the seeming contradiction that without the influence of man and his industrial activities, the Earth would probably be slipping into a cyclical ice age all on its own, just like the last one.

"While the climate of the Earth has changed over millennia as a result of natural factors — principally changes in the tilt and orientation of the Earth's axis and rotation, and in the shape of its orbit around the sun — those changes occur far too...
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