90 Miles From Tyranny : Army HUMILIATES Male Soldiers, Forces Them To Wear Women’s Clothing As Part Of Mandatory Training..

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Army HUMILIATES Male Soldiers, Forces Them To Wear Women’s Clothing As Part Of Mandatory Training..

As part of the Army’s mandatory Sexual Harassment and Assault
Prevention (SHARP) training, some units are requiring Soldiers to participate in a Walk a Mile In Her Shoes event, in order to bring awareness to rape and sexual assault, and “stop men’s sexualized violence against women.”

Sounds positive, right? Well there’s just one little detail that is causing quite the controversy, as these male Soldiers will all be forced to cross-dress, wearing red high heeled shoes during the 1.26 mile walk.

One cadet from Arizona ROTC said that any personnel who refused to participate in the event, would receive a negative counseling form from their leadership, which would state that the Soldier didn’t support their unit’s rape and sexual prevention program...

Read more HERE 


  1. Is this for real? What the fuck happened to my country?

  2. That sound you hear is MacArthur spinning.

    Dempsey is a disgrace.


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