90 Miles From Tyranny : Psych drugs have killed more than 5 million people over the last 10 years

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Psych drugs have killed more than 5 million people over the last 10 years

(NaturalNews) If every single person currently taking psychotropic medications or antidepressants were to be pulled off these deadly drugs and given a new, safer regimen instead, society would be much better off. This is the larger inference of a new review published in The BMJ (British Medical Journal), which found that more than half a million people in the West die every year from psych meds, which authors found have "minimal" benefits and a multitude of harmful side effects.

Researchers from the Nordic Cochrane Centre, an independent drug safety analysis group based out of Denmark, looked at the data on antidepressant and dementia drugs and found that, in most cases, they could cease to be administered across the board without inflicting any harm on patients. The demonstrated benefits of these widely administered drugs are lacking, researchers found, and many patients are taking them needlessly.

The paper, entitled "Does long term use of psychiatric drugs cause more harm than good?" looked at a series of randomized trials on antidepressant and dementia drugs and found that, contrary to popular belief, virtually none of these studies took an honest look at the drugs' "side" effects. Likewise, patients who took placebo pills during clinical trials fared roughly the same as those who took the actual drugs, suggesting that psych meds don't even work in the first place.

Using a meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials in patients with dementia, researchers discovered that more patients die from taking FDA-approved antidepressants than do patients who take no drugs, or who use...

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  1. Typical Ipso Facto falacy. The drugs aren't causing the crazy. The people are taking the drugs because they are already crazy. i looked at this about ten years ago when the headline was that anti-depressant drugs were causing kids to kill themselves. But in a 10 year period, the number of kids killing themselves went down while drug presecriptions tripled.

    If anything, the drugs don't do anything at all.

    I find it amusing that the Europeans claim the problem is too many people on drugs and their solution is to give them different drugs. i would first try them on an extended and supervised period of detox (at least a year), and see if they stabilise after that without drugs.

  2. Sugar pills. Cheaper and they won't even know. When they get fussy, and want a change? Different flavored sugar pill.

    On a personal note, before they realized it was a heart problem, not depression, they had me on various anti's. I remained suicidal, off and on, until I quit them. I have not had a recurrence of that issue since dumping them... nearly twenty years ago. Every few months, to twice a year, I had to check myself in. Haven't seen the inside of a dungeon since. Then again, if they had realized it was a heart issue, back when I trusted medicine, they would have insisted, and I would have allowed, a heart transplant. Those people only live about six years. So, I guess malpractice saved my life. But it also means I wouldn't let them operate on me now to... well... in their words... save my life! Actually, that IS what they suggested, when they found what the real condition was. I just told them to blow.


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