90 Miles From Tyranny : After the Government Takes His Life Savings, This 22-Year-Old Fights for Justice

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

After the Government Takes His Life Savings, This 22-Year-Old Fights for Justice

Joseph Rivers put his life savings on the line. With help from his mother, Rivers had saved $16,000 to pursue a career as a music video producer.

In April, Rivers, 22, boarded a train bound for Los Angeles, never expecting his dream to be literally taken away from him.

At a train stop in Albuquerque, N.M., an officer from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) seized the $16,000 from Rivers.

After Rivers answered multiple questions about his travel plans, the officer then asked to search Rivers’ bag.

“Upon him asking me to search my luggage, I told him, ‘Yes,’” Rivers told The Daily Signal. “He found the bank envelope with my money.”

The officer then...
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1 comment:

  1. His first mistake: When they asked if they could search his bag, the answer is always, "NO".


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