90 Miles From Tyranny : 1st Republican Debate Winners/Losers

Thursday, August 6, 2015

1st Republican Debate Winners/Losers

The Winners:
Donald Trump - This is how you do it weasel Republicans.  
Ted Cruz - This guy is always on, and his record is bulletproof.
Marco Rubio - This guy is polished, his views on immigration is dramatically improved.

Scott Walker - This Forum was not conducive to getting out his message
John Kasich - Had a chance to have his resume known

Stayed Even:
Mike Huckabee - Started out highly ranked
Chris Christie - He hurt Rand Paul, Rand Paul hurt him with the "Hug" reference

Jeb Bush - looked awkward

The Losers:
Ben Carson - was not polished, seemed unprepared
Rand Paul - Trump and Christie pounded him but he made good points about the 4th amendment, right message, wrong guy.

Every single one of these guys would be dramatically better than Hillary Clinton or the Disaster known as Barack Obama.

So I am listening to Fox News, they really do not like trump, I don;t want him to be president, but i love the red meat coming from him.  The hosts clearly were going after trump and I heard a story that Murdoch hates trump. No matter what fox says, trump did fine.

My two top picks for president?  Cruz and then Walker.


  1. Bravo. Good calls, but though I don't like Bush I thought he did OK.

  2. http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/08/06/luntz-focus-group-overwhelmingly-turned-trump-gop-debate

  3. http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/08/06/luntz-focus-group-overwhelmingly-turned-trump-gop-debate


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