90 Miles From Tyranny : The End Justifies The Means?

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The End Justifies The Means?

More Hayek:

All The Difference In The World - Hayek


  1. Evil can be summed up as "good intentions" (from the tyrant's point of view) meets "the ends justify the means."

  2. Sounds nice. Basically true. There are exceptions. But spend them as if they are golden, for the loss in such instances can be terrible. The means testing has to work... say, nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A million G.I. lives, and I believe it. And even more Japanese military and civilian deaths. *boom... with my blessing* Though, to be honest, I am still unsure about that war, how we got involved, and some other things. In the end, I think we had to go. I just wish it hadn't been a Dem president who was the one who nicknamed Stalin as "Uncle Joe", and really liked Stalin's ways. I think he got a lot more of our boys killed, for his own blood glory, than was needed.


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