90 Miles From Tyranny : Former Intelligence Analyst: Political Correctness Is A Manipulative Tool For Centralizing Power

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Former Intelligence Analyst: Political Correctness Is A Manipulative Tool For Centralizing Power

A former intelligence analyst, Stella Morabito, who grew up in a left-wing family and calls herself a “realist,” is speaking out about mass manipulation, political correctness and the transgender agenda.

Her writings at The Federalist got the attention of Rush Limbaugh back in June when he seemed fascinated by her piece on mass delusion. A subsequent related piece is here.

In this exclusive video interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation, she details how the left uses mass manipulation techniques to confuse Americans and grab power. She condemns conservatives for not even realizing the behavior modification techniques being employed in the political square, such as those encouraged by liberals such as Cass Sunstein, who wrote the book “Nudge” or George Lakoff.

It was a project of cultural Marxists to capture the mediating institutions in our culture for ideological gain – the media, Hollywood, pop culture, academia and more. “If you push an agenda to centralize power, you need mass ignorance and effective propaganda.”

Morabito says political correctness provides “a semantic fog where manipulation can occur under the guise of being fair or non-discriminatory.”

She details three tactics of the manipulation she observes. These include being subtle enough that people are not aware of the manipulation, changing our language to achieve thought control and...

Read more HERE

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