90 Miles From Tyranny : Allowing Our Children And Families To Be Slaughtered Is Not An American Value

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Allowing Our Children And Families To Be Slaughtered Is Not An American Value

Suddenly Democrats, Leftists and Establishment Republicans are concerned about American Values? Allowing Our Children And Families To Be Slaughtered Is Not An American Value. 

We need to be able to vet 8th century Salafists and turn them around so they can slaughter, behead, genitally mutilate, drown, torture, burn and stone people who allow them to do so. Just say NO to Muslim Murder, Mayhem and Misery. NOT HERE, NOT NOW, NOT EVER. Here you get put in jail for carnal relations with goats and we frown on pouring acid on women who disobey you, and when I say frown, I mean shoot.

Here you cannot rape women, beat women, (this means girls too), or treat them like chattel. Stay in your countries where you can do these things and then brag about it to your fellow sadists.

Someone has to protect leftists from themselves, they can criticize common sense all they want, but when the devil is at their door, calling 911 won't help you. The politicians won't care as being dead does not stop you from voting for them.


  1. But...we're ok with Aztec-like child sacrifice, torturing and dismembering babies because men in black dresses told us it's OK. Other than that, NO SLAUGHTERING!

  2. But...we're ok with Aztec-like child sacrifice, torturing and dismembering babies because men in black dresses told us it's OK. Other than that, NO SLAUGHTERING!


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