90 Miles From Tyranny : CNN Reporter Asks Bernie Sanders Supporters to Define 'Socialism'

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

CNN Reporter Asks Bernie Sanders Supporters to Define 'Socialism'


  1. Hi Mike,
    If you ask someone what is a "Socialism" you may as well ask them, what is a "Communism?" "And" what is the difference between the two? I like Mike Vanderboegh's take on the difference between a person from each group. A "Socialist" is a "Communist" who has found his AK-47 but "not" the will to use it, and a "Communist" is a "Socialist" who has found his AK-47 AND HAS THE WILL TO USE IT!! The "Difference" is only a short walk on a very, very short pier....'knowwhatImean??
    Got Gunz.....OUTLAW!!!!!,

  2. Hi Mike,
    If you ask someone what is a "Socialism" you may as well ask them, what is a "Communism?" "And" what is the difference between the two? I like Mike Vanderboegh's take on the difference between a person from each group. A "Socialist" is a "Communist" who has found his AK-47 but "not" the will to use it, and a "Communist" is a "Socialist" who has found his AK-47 AND HAS THE WILL TO USE IT!! The "Difference" is only a short walk on a very, very short pier....'knowwhatImean??
    Got Gunz.....OUTLAW!!!!!,


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