90 Miles From Tyranny : Obama to skip Scalia's funeral

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Obama to skip Scalia's funeral

President Barack Obama is preparing for a fierce battle with the Senate over the Supreme Court vacancy, but he’s not planning to attend Justice Antonin Scalia’s funeral — a decision that puzzled even some of his allies and incensed conservative media.

"If we want to reduce partisanship, we can start by honoring great public servants who we disagree with," Obama's former "car czar" Steven Rattner tweeted with a link to a headline about Obama skipping the funeral.

Fox News host Sean Hannity blasted out his own site's article that dismissed the decision as disappointingly expected: “Obama To SKIP Scalia Funeral, Here's A List Of OTHER Funerals He Was Too Busy To Attend.”

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest revealed the president’s plans during the daily briefing, saying....

Read more HERE


  1. The man or should I dare say "Boy" acts more like a spoiled brat than a President!

  2. The sonofabitch has absolutely no class.


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