90 Miles From Tyranny : Hillary Clinton, Black Lies, White Lives, Red Ties...

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Black Lies, White Lives, Red Ties...

Another gruesome black-on-white murder is coming to the public’s attention. The case involves a habitual offender by the name of Quinton Verdell Tellis, 27, who was charged with capital murder in the death of 19-year-old Jessica Chambers. She had been found along a road on December 6, 2014. Her vehicle had been set on fire and she had suffered burns over 98 percent of her body. Chambers died hours later at a hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

On the same day the arrest of this young black criminal was announced, Hillary Clinton
was criticized by a Black Lives Matter (BLM) protester for using the term “super predators” to describe young black criminals. Mrs. Clinton treated the activist with great respect, since she is pandering for black votes—including from the criminal element—in the Democratic presidential campaign.

In his AIM special report, “Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter,” investigative journalist James Simpson notes that BLM has communist roots and appears to be “exercising considerable leverage over the Democratic Party, in part by pressuring and intimidating Democratic candidates such as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders (VT) into embracing their cause.”

The cause is so-called “criminal justice reform,” which means releasing drug traffickers and violent criminals from prison. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) is leading the opposition to the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act (S. 2123), which would release thousands of criminals back on the streets during a period of rising crime rates.

Jesse L. Matthew Jr., however, is one black serial criminal predator who is going to prison. He is pleading guilty to the murder of two white women—18-year-old Hannah Graham, a University of Virginia sophomore, and 20-year-old Morgan Harrington, a Virginia Tech student. He was also convicted in a 2005 sex assault case in Fairfax, Virginia. Prosecutors said Matthew abducted a woman on a path near her Fairfax apartment on September 24, 2005. In that case, “Court documents allege Matthew choked her and sexually assaulted her with his hand,” a local TV station reported.

Matthew is pleading guilty to avoid the death penalty. Perhaps he will now become another example of the BLM focus on “mass incarceration.”

In the dramatic and horrifying Tellis case, the local paper, the Jackson, Mississippi, Clarion-Ledger, reports the following about this alleged member of the Insane Vice Lords street gang:Read More HERE

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