90 Miles From Tyranny : Sheriff Joe Arpaio Speech At Donald Trump Rally Phoenix Arizona

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Speech At Donald Trump Rally Phoenix Arizona


  1. "I changed my mind". Don't forget that everything is negotiable to Trump. And now he wants more H1B visas, which account for 60% of our illegal immigration problem. http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/03/trump-now-wants-more-guest-workers-i-changed-my-mind/

    1. I don't see Ted Cruz overtaking the Trump, You have a choice: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
      Donald Trump has changed the game, he is not afraid of offending anybody and he has disabled the leftist press from controlling him. He is not the perfect candidate by any means, however he is a million times better than Hillary Clinton.

  2. You could be right about Cruz, maybe not, it isn't really the point.

    Trump supports expanding immigration, creating a government payer option for healthcare, possibly a ban on assault weapons, has called the wall "negotiable", will not support Israel, supports planned parenthood, and thinks Castro is admirable for his strength.

    Can you name a single position he has taken that you support?

  3. And, I'm sorry to say, that "choice" doesnt exist. Hillary destroys Trump in a national election.

    Here are the factors as I see them.

    Trump starts off down by six according to polls.

    Take away another 10-15% of his support that are really just dem spoilers who vote Clinton (look at difference between open and closed totals).

    Then take away another 20-40% of the vote for the NeverTrump group. Look at Florida exit polls where 40% of respondents said they would vote third party or stay home.

    Then add six months of the Clinton media machine and professional press crushing him. His tax returns will be leaked, and the dude has a shady background. They made Romney look mobbish.

    Also add that trump is currently in front of a grand jury for fraud and could be indicted.

    Taken together there is, maybe a 5% chance of trump winning. Probably even less now that Obama has indicated there won't be a prosecution of Hillary.

    1. Trump just came out with his Health Plan, have you read it? It is a conservative private payor healthplan.
      You are just wrong on Gun control, Trump will protect it, Hillary Will ban guns period.
      The polls are wrong, The left is unmotivated, the right is extremely motivated. Trump will beat Hillary.
      Hillary picking the Supreme court would be the end of America. Trump will pick Conservatives.
      So tell me, Who do you support for President?

  4. Did you read it? Look at his provision for public aid, what he told CNN was his "heart." It creates a government funded plan available to those below three times the poverty line. IE a public option.

    What do you base the idea that I'm wrong on gun control? A month ago in am interview he called assault weapons "silly" and said they were "unnecessary." Does that kind of language sound familiar? It should.

    I'm not sure what you base your skepticism of the polls on. Monmouth has predicted Trumps share in every primary race so far within 3% of his final outcome. They have Trump losing to Hillary by 7% and losing 42 states.

    And that's before someone leaks his tax returns, his divorce docs, his Wharton grades and before MSNBC plays his unwillingness to denounce Duke 24 hours a day (I know he later did, but do you think most people do? Or care?).

    Trump consistently gets about 15% of Hispanic vote in polls and in primaries, Romney lost with 24%. He gets about 25% of female votes in both polls and in ballots. Women make up 52% of likely voters.

    Trump has put his sister forward as his scotus nominee. The same sister who three years ago in an opinion that said abortion should extend to one year AFTER birth. She also is on the record supporting amnesty and the EPA regulating carbon emissions. That's a conservative judge?

    I mentioned to you before. I support Cruz. If he isn't the nominee I'm pretty much neutral. Trumps stated positions are to the left of Clinton and are, ironically, identical to Sanders in everything but foreign policy on Isis, though the same on Iran.

  5. But you didnt answer my question. Can you name a stated position of trumps that you agree with?

    1. Trump is the strongest on immigration, he is the reason people are even talking about it.
      This is his position on the second amendment from his website: The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.
      He will fix the VA.

      I'd be happy if Cruz somehow won, but I do not see it happening. The reality is, Hillary or Trump, there is no comparison.

  6. Is he? He said the wall was negotiable two weeks ago to Wolf Blitzer. At the last debate he said he changed his mind on H1Bs and wanted to expand them. When confronted with the fact that he has used illegal immigrants during the previous debate, he said we needed to expand the work permit program because Americans don't want to do that kind of work. Cruz called him on it by asking people to raise their hand if they had been a waiter or waitress.

    Great, I fully support the statement on his website. But it isn't his position when being asked on CNN. That doesn't raise a question in your mind?

    How will he fix the VA?

    And given that Trump wants to tax American consumers more than Hillary, has a more aggressive public payer option, and has a more aggressive expansion of Medicaid than Hillary, I agree there is no comparison. The valid comparison is between Trump and Bernie.

  7. Here is my biggest issue with your support for trump. You created a blog titled about a tyrannical government that murders is people, infringes on their rights and acts a threat to liberty.

    Now you are actively supporting a guy who has called the leader and founder of that nation "great" because he is "strong." You have to see the conflict there.

    1. The way I see it is that Trump is going to take the Republican nomination.
      I live in reality, Trump is a better choice than Hillary, Chelsea said the other night that all illegal immigrants will get free healthcare, Hillary said herself that If she could ban guns, she would, but we already know that without her saying it.
      Bernie can beat Clinton, so why even throw that in?
      The reality is, you have three choices, Clinton, Trump, or stay home hide your guns.

    2. Bernie can't beat Clinton I meant to say.

  8. I agree that it seems almost impossible for Bernie to beat Clinton, especially after Obama signaled he will block prosecution.

    From a policy position though, bizarrely Trump is to the left of Hillary and nearly identical to sanders. Like I said his immigration plan is now left of Hillary. His tax plan is to the left of Hillary. He supports planned parenthood. His nominee for scotus is more radically left than the one Hillary announced.

    But none of that matters because he will be obliterated by Hillary. He is the only one with a likability number lower than Hillary. His numbers are lower than Nixon's were after Watergate.

    In the end a primary vote for trump is a vote for Hillary. And even if he won his statements indicate he would govern to her left.

    1. Hillary will ban guns, give illegal aliens free healthcare, allow illegal immigrants to swarm the USA,then give them voting rights, put in progressive supreme court justices and effectively never allowing a Republican president ever again. When you say Trump is left of Hillary it makes no sense, Hillary = Socialist government forever, and then essentially, we will be South Africa, murdered in our homes.

  9. Well she won't ban guns, she'll try to regulate them as will Trump. But trump is only constrained by what trump wants, Hillary is far more likely to be contained by her lust for power, like her husband.

    Look again at your response. Every single thing you were concerned with are things trump has said he will do. Hillary has said she will create a pathway to citizenship at current levels. Trump has said there will be a pathway to citizenship and increased immigration levels.

    Trumps tax plan is higher and more progressive than Hillary's.

    His tariffs (ie tax to consumers) is higher than Hillary's.

    Trumps scotua nominee to scotus is more liberal than hillarys stated nominee.

    Can you name a single position trump has taken that is more conservative than Hillary?

  10. If you want to vote for Hillary, feel free. That is your right.
    You dismiss all of her faults and believe every word she says.
    You equate Trumps strong pro second amendment stance to Hillary's stated goals of banning guns, but somehow you suggest he would be worse? You are exercising propaganda.
    You go ahead and vote for Hillary, I will vote for either Cruz or Trump.
    I will restate for you:
    Hillary will ban guns, give illegal aliens free healthcare, allow illegal immigrants to swarm the USA,then give them voting rights, put in progressive supreme court justices and effectively never allowing a Republican president ever again. When you say Trump is left of Hillary it makes no sense, Hillary = Socialist government forever, and then essentially, we will be South Africa, murdered in our homes.

  11. Mike, you can offer a better rebuttal than that. Let me put it this way. I'm going to list a series of Trump's stated positions. You can tell me which you support or which are more conservative than Hillary Clinton's stated positions.

    1) A wall along the border with Mexico (source of approximately 30% of illegal immigration).
    2) Raising taxes on American consumers by approximately 260%.
    3) opening up health insurance to interstate competition.
    4) Retaining the ACAs individual mandate to buy health insurance.
    5) creation of a government funded single payer option in the Canadian mold
    6) lowering of overall tax rates and an increase in the progressivity.
    7) free post high school education paid for by the government.
    8) expansion of the H1B visa program, responsible for about 60% of out illegal immigrants.
    9) I'm less clear on this because he has said some conflicting stuff, but a likely "assault weapons" ban.
    10) deployment of 30,000 soldiers to Syria.
    11) the seizure of private property by big corporations via eminent domain.

    1. If the choice is between Hillary And Trump, I vote Trump.
      If I sit around and wait for a perfect candidate, I will have plenty of time in a gulag.
      It does appear that any reasonable calculation is that the race comes down to Hillary Or Trump.
      I vote Trump, who do you vote for?

  12. Neither, because aside from gender there doesnt appear to be any meaningful difference in their platforms. Can you point out a position where Trump's stated policy is better than Hillary? I've asked twice now.

    And what about those points above, those are pretty serious liberal positions. It isnt intellectually honest to shrug off an expansion of immigration, seizire of private property and the most liberal scotus appointee of any candidate as 'not perfect.'

  13. Trump was asked about his sister in an interview, he said glowing remarks about her to the interviewer, he has never stated he would appoint her as a representative, He has praised Justice Clarence Thomas as “strong and consistent,” while calling Chief Justice John Roberts “disgraceful.
    Yo misrepresent his position again here, and downplay what Hillary will do, curious. Also on guns, you have an agenda, you wish to attack the Republican nominee and somehow portray Hillary as a superior candidate on Guns? Here is Trumps View On Assault Weapons:
    "Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That’s been proven every time it’s been tried," the policy paper said. "Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like “assault weapons”, “military-style weapons” and “high capacity magazines” to confuse people.

    "What they’re really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans."

    The presidential frontrunner instead said: "Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own."

    So Trump has stated his position on Assault weapons and you purposely misrepresent him, you misrepresent the damage Hillary would do in Supreme Court Nominees and Misrepresent what Donald Trump has said about Supreme Court Nominees, you have an agenda to attack the likely Republican Nominee while painting Hillary as right of Donald Trump. Are you Stretch form the Fantastic Four?

  14. Mike, he was asked, "who would you nominate for the court?" He responded, "I think my sister would make a terrific justice...". Hard to misinterpret that. http://www.redstate.com/leon_h_wolf/2016/02/15/trump-sure-said-sister-supreme-court-idea-believes/

    So you value a policy paper he didnt write, probably isnt aware of, written by a staffer over his stated position on CNN? Why? And what of the CNN comments, was he lying? If so, doesnt that give you pause?

    Ok, what about the other positions?

    1) A wall along the border with Mexico (source of approximately 30% of illegal immigration) that is 'negotiable.'
    2) Raising taxes on American consumers by approximately 260%.
    3) opening up health insurance to interstate competition.
    4) Retaining the ACAs individual mandate to buy health insurance.
    5) creation of a government funded single payer option in the Canadian mold
    6) lowering of overall tax rates and an increase in the progressivity.
    7) free post high school education paid for by the government.
    8) expansion of the H1B visa program, responsible for about 60% of out illegal immigrants.
    10) deployment of 30,000 soldiers to Syria.
    11) the seizure of private property by big corporations via eminent domain.


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