90 Miles From Tyranny : Grabbing Guns Because Criminals Have Too Many...

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Grabbing Guns Because Criminals Have Too Many...

Is like castrating yourself because your neighbor has too many kids...

However if you are a Democrat or A Socialist, You really should castrate yourself...
...for the environment..
...for the children...
...because it's 2016...
...the stars are aligned properly...

1 comment:

  1. Wrong focus. It is more like castrating your neighbors because you don't want them having kids because different neighbors in another town had kids that were bad. You still get to have kids because you live in a neighborhood where kids are allowed for special people like you. And if you need them, there are other people's kids who will come over and cut your grass or wash your car whenever you need them.
    Gun control is about control, not guns. It is always about forcing other people to conform not about doing what you think is best for yourself. It is not about choosing to be armed or disarmed. It is about taking that choice away from other people.


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