90 Miles From Tyranny : Ex-FBI official: Clintons are a 'crime family'

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Ex-FBI official: Clintons are a 'crime family'

former FBI official said Sunday that Bill and Hillary Clinton are part of a “crime family” and argued top officials hindered the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

During a radio interview with John Catsimatidis, former assistant FBI director James Kallstrom heaped praise on Donald Trump before taking aim at the Clintons.

“The Clintons, that’s a crime family, basically,” Kallstrom said. “It’s like organized crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.”

Kallstrom, best known for leading the investigation into the explosion of TWA flight 800 in the late 90s, said that Hillary Clinton was a “pathological liar.”

He also blasted Attorney General Loretta Lynch, claiming that she impeded the investigation into Clinton’s private server.

“The problem here is this investigation was never a real investigation,” he said. “That’s the problem. They never had a grand jury empanelled, and the reason they never had a grand jury empanelled, I’m sure, is Loretta Lynch would not go a long with that.”

“God forbid we put someone like that in the White House,” he added of Clinton.

Kallstrom also said that Comey and the rest of the FBI’s leadership were responsible for...
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1 comment:

  1. The other night I was researching a post, I came across a site (and I'm kicking myself for not bookmarking it) where I read that the rebellion in the FBI is not over Hillary but over the Clinton Foundation. The agents were saying it's not just a money laundering operation (which we all know) but corruption throughout the entire government. The payola is spread everywhere. They're talking about literally having to indict whole sectors of the Fed.gov, from top to bottom. Because it was website I'd never heard of, I was reluctant to go full Alex Jones with it. This points in the same direction.


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